As a self-taught developer, a part of software development that I didn't know much about when I started my first development job was configuration.
When I was building solo projects, it was hard to see the value in loading configurations rather than just hard coding. Why would I introduce complexity? It would take time learn how to load them in. Maybe I'll learn how to do it later, but that's just a waste of time.
I knew that these thoughts weren't true, but the excuses kept me from learning. As I got some experience with larger codebases, however, I started seeing the clear need for configuration objects. We have to able to change specific behaviors of our application without releasing. This is what enables us to connect one release of an application to different databases or APIs, to change features for development or production, and make many other important changes.
If you follow along with this article, we will create a basic console application that shuffles through the titles of songs to demonstrate how to load values into a configuration object and access them to change functionality in .NET.
Let's create a music player!
Okay... only sort of. Unfortunately, we won't be sending anything to your speakers. For the purpose of learning how to load and use configurations within ASP.NET, I created a console application called SongShuffle!
To follow along with the sections in this article, go ahead and clone the GitHub repo by running the git clone
command below in your console.
git clone
I've created branches to guide you through the codebase in this article, at any point you can checkout the branches and arrive at a working application at a different step! I encourage you to experiment and load some of your own configurations and functionality here though!
To make sure you're on the correct branch, run the following in your console.
git checkout 1-start
A tour of our music player
If you launch the SongShuffle console application by clicking Run/Debug, or using dotnet run
in the project directory, you will see a modest user command line interface that asks you to press any key to start listening.
The song screen shows the title, artist and year of the current song's release at the top of the screen and will allow you to select a new song by pressing enter. If you type in q
before pressing enter, the program will exit.
This is the basic function of the music player that we will configure. Go ahead and play around with it!
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the classes that we have here that create the behavior for this application: Song.cs
and SongProvider
If you're digging around in the song bank in the SongProvider
, you might notice that we only have 80s music loaded into the application. While this might be all that I play, others might want their music player to be a bit more versatile, so this is going to be the first configurable feature that we are going to add to the music player.
Configuring for the 90s groove
To add this feature, we have to add another song bank and a way to select those banks. To see my implementation, run the following command in your console.
git checkout 2-pick-a-decade
Most of our changes are in the SongProvider
class. I've added three more song banks, containing music from different decades. I've created an Enum Decades
that will select the song set for the SongBank
. And I've added a switch statement in the SongPovider
constructor, that sets the SongBank
With these changes the SongProvider
is able to change its selection of songs without having to alter it's implementation details. We've now moved control of the song bank selection outside of the provider. That means that we'll have to define our Enum to pass in before we can instantiate our SongProvider
// SongProvider.cs
public SongProvider(Decades decade)
switch (decade)
case Decades.Eighties:
SongBank = EightiesSongs; break;
case Decades.Nineties:
SongBank = NinetiesSongs; break;
case Decades.TwoThousands:
SongBank = TwoThousandsSongs; break;
case Decades.TwentyTens:
SongBank = TwoThousandTensSongs; break;
throw new ArgumentException("Must include a valid decade.");
// Program.cs
public static void DisplaySong()
var userResponse = string.Empty;
var decade = SongProvider.Decades.Nineties;
var provider = new SongProvider(decade);
// ...
And now we can rock out to some Madonna!
If we wanted to change the decade we can do that a bit more easily now, but its still a developer task. Someone without any code experience would have issues working with this. We'd have to go in, change the value of the Decades
Enum. Then, we'd also have to create a release and push it.
Man... That's a lot of work for a small feature.
So, we've moved the song bank selection out of the SongProvider
but, what if we pull it out of the application itself. This would keep us from having to deal with this release issue.
Loading our first configuration
Checkout the next branch to see how we can load values into our .NET program from external files.
git checkout 3-config-from-json
The first thing I'd like to point out is the LoadConfig()
method that I've created which has a fairly straightforward goal.... to load the configuration. But, how is this handled in .NET?
static void Main(string[] args)
var config = LoadConfig()
The configuration interface
Microsoft has an IConfiguration
interface built into the framework. The interface allows us to attach key-value pairs from multiple sources and then access them later. These values are what we will use to configure parts of our application.
The LoadConfig()
method that I created, just returns an instance of IConfiguration
loaded with our configuration values. The configuration object that is returned by this method will be passed around our application with values being accessed and determining app behavior.
Accessing values from a config object
There are a few ways that we can use to access these values. First, is using the Indexer syntax, borrowed from the dictionary.
var value = configuration["KeyName"];
This is the way that we will access them throughout this article, but also know that .NET provides other ways to access complex configuration objects using methods like .GetSection()
and .Bind()
. If you'd like more information on those, check out this article from Microsoft's documentation.
Registering key-value pairs to a config object
The most common way to register key-value pairs is through an appsettings.json
file. This is a file that contains a valid JSON object that sits at the root level of your project.
Note: It is common for
to be checked into source control, so do not store sensitive data like API keys or connection strings here.
In our example appsettings.json
, we have a simple JSON object that defines a "Decade" key.
"Decade": "TwoThousands"
Now, to add this file to our configuration object, we need to use the built-in ConfigurationBuilder
and use the AddJsonFile
method. Pass the relative path of the JSON file that you want to add to register the key-value pairs inside it.
public static IConfiguration LoadConfig()
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
return builder.Build();
When we run LoadConfig()
any values that we have in our appsettings.json
file will be accessible within our application in our IConfiguration
Using our configuration object in the application
To actually make use of this IConfiguration
object, we have to pass it into our DisplaySong
method. You can take a look at the necessary changes below.
public static void DisplaySong(IConfiguration config)
var userResponse = string.Empty;
var decade = config["Decade"] switch
"Nineties" => SongProvider.Decades.Nineties,
"TwoThousands" => SongProvider.Decades.TwoThousands,
"TwentyTens" => SongProvider.Decades.TwentyTens,
_ => SongProvider.Decades.Eighties
var provider = new SongProvider(decade);
With this method, the selection of the decade is decoupled from the logic that displays the song. The selection of the decade is being set outside of our application.
If this isn't working for you...
Try the following steps if the configuration isn't loading for you.
- Right click on
in Visual Studio.- Properties > Copy To Output Directory. Make sure it is set to "Copy Always".
What did I just do?
Your application runs from the
directory when you run your application in Debug mode. When Visual Studio tries to compile and run your project, it's looking for theappsettings.json
file relative to the file that it complied (in thebin
).By setting the "Copy Always", whenever we click "Debug" our
will be copied into/bin/Debug/netX.X
so that we can access it in our program.
While we don't have to release another version of the application to change this behavior, it's still a little bit involved. We still have to find the right text file and change the correct value to get this to happen. Now let's explore how we can change the behavior of our application without having to edit any additional files!
Passing command-line arguments
With only a few changes to our application, we can take in strings from outside the application by allowing command line arguments. Run the following command to see the changes.
git checkout 4-config-from-commandline
You may not notice the change at first because it's so small, but there is one. We've added one line which calls the .AddCommandLine(args)
to the ConfigurationBuilder
public static IConfiguration LoadConfig(string[] args)
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
return builder.Build();
By chaining this to the .AddJsonFile()
method, we're adding all the values from both to our configuration object.
Command line arguments are key-value pairs declared after the execution command. To attach a key-value pair you would run the program like this:
dotnet run --Decade "TwentyTens"
The key "Decade"
would then be passed into the program with the value "TwentyTens"
. Luckily, we don't have to type these arguments into the program every time we want to Debug our program.
In order to add a command line argument to your Debug profile, first, right-click your project and click Properties.
In that window, select Debug from the sidebar, and click Launch Profiles UI. After you click this, you will see the following UI window. Under Command line arguments you can type in anything you like.
Command line arguments can be passed in four different syntaxes.
[command] --key value
[command] --key=value
[command] /key value
[command] /key=value
I'm not sure what the advantage of having these different syntaxes is, but I prefer the first, since it is the most common way that I've seen arguments passed.
Didn't we just pass "Decade"
If never removed our appsettings.json
file, it's still being loaded into the configuration with a Decade
key, meaning that the "Decade"
key was loaded twice.
Our ConfigurationBuilder
doesn't handle key collisions. It doesn't check to see if a key has already been assigned before binding a value to it.
What does this mean?
If you have two configuration files or methods that assign the same key, the key that was loaded earlier will be overwritten by the one loaded later.
If you go back to the appsettings.json
file, you'll see that we still have a "TwoThousands"
value there. That value was successfully loaded, but immediately after that, our command line argument with the same key overwrote it with its value "TwentyTens"
. In our final configuration object, the key "Decade"
will have the value of the command line argument.
This behavior allows us to keep configuration files that are subsets of other configuration files. Take for example an application that uses a different API in production and development. We can create a config file that only have the values that we need to overwrite, like a API key and endpoint that is only loaded in development.
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
if (env.IsDevelopment())
return builder.Build();
If you're going to use this approach, make sure to be mindful of the order that you add your files and configuration sources in. There are no priority rules, so keys will always be overwritten load methods later in the chain.
Environmental influence
There may by instances in which multiple applications will all share the same configuration values if they're running in the same environment. In that case, we can also load these into our program. Run the following command to see the changes that we make:
git checkout 5-environment-variables
Just like the above methods, environment variables will be added as key-value pairs . It goes beyond the scope of this article to talk about how to set these on various systems, but I'll show you how you can set them in Visual Studio for development.
If you open up the Launch Profiles UI that we accessed to set our command line variables (Properties > Debug > Launch Profiles), you can also set environment variables!
Since we already have sources defining our decade, let's use a new variable ShowImage
that we will use to decide whether or not you see my beautiful ASCII rendering of an iPod.
In the Environment Variables section, under "Name", write "ShowImage", and for it's value, type "false".
Now to access these when we run our code, all we need to do is add the .AddEnvironmentVariables()
method to our ConfigurationBuilder
public static IConfiguration LoadConfig(string[] args)
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
return builder.Build();
All we have to do to get this configuration up and running is to use our Boolean conversion in an if
statement and put our image inside it.
public static void DisplaySong(IConfiguration config)
// Additional setup ommitted for space
while (userResponse != "q")
song = provider.ShuffleSelect();
Console.WriteLine($"Now playing {song.ToString()}");
if (config["ShowImage"]?.ToLower() == "true")
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β β β β β β β β β β β
// ...
Now, our iPod will only be displayed if the configuration is set to "true".
But, I like to see my ASCII masterpiece while I'm "listening" to music, so I'm going to change this configuration back!
It's worth noting here that this is a fairly atypical usage of environment variables. Since both environment variables and command line arguments come in as strings, it isn't wise to use them as Booleans or integers or any other type unless you're parsing or validating them into another object.
Let's add one more configuration to this application, I'd like to make the songs play automatically, but again, I don't want to have to change any code. I could add another configuration in a JSON file or any of the other methods that we've discussed, but I want to show you how to do this with a .NET-specific solution, User Secrets.
Setting up User Secrets in .NET
See the code changes to accept user secrets by running the following command, but keep it open, we'll have a few more to run to make sure that we're all set up.
git checkout 6-user-secrets
User Secrets is a Microsoft-created, development-only solution for storing sensitive strings outside of source control. It's built right into the .NET SDK and makes loading sensitive information into your application very simple for development.
You do not want to use this in production because this offers no encryption for your sensitive information, you would be better off using some sort of secrets manager.
How does User Secrets work?
User Secrets is very similar to adding a JSON file to your application. We will create a file with key-value pairs and tell the framework where to look for the file.
We identify the file using the <UserSecretsId>
tag with a Guid value in our .csproj file. Then in our %AppData%\Microsoft\UserSecrets\{project-guid}
we can store our secrets in a file called secrets.json
Don't worry though, you don't have to set this up manually.
Setting up User Secrets
Using the .NET CLI, all we have to do is run one command to get set up.
dotnet user-secrets init
When you run this command a few things happen:
- an ID is created
- the ID is saved to your .csproj file in a
tag - a directory named for the ID is created
- a
file is created
The CLI also provides us a method of adding values to our secrets.json
file without having to dig through our user directory.
dotnet user-secrets set {key} {value}
Using User Secrets to auto-play our songs
In our LoadConfig
method, we only have to add one line to bind our user secrets.
public static IConfiguration LoadConfig(string[] args)
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
return builder.Build();
We also have to add a little logic to our DisplaySong
method to create our auto-play behavior.
public static void DisplaySong(IConfiguration config)
var userResponse = string.Empty;
var counter = 0;
var decade = config["Decade"] switch
"Nineties" => SongProvider.Decades.Nineties,
"TwoThousands" => SongProvider.Decades.TwoThousands,
"TwentyTens" => SongProvider.Decades.TwentyTens,
_ => SongProvider.Decades.Eighties
while (userResponse != "q")
// ... existing logic remains unchanged ... after
if (counter == 4)
Console.WriteLine("You've listened to 5 songs! Want to keep going?");
Console.WriteLine("(Type q to quit.)");
userResponse = Console.ReadLine()?.ToLower();
counter = 0;
if (config["Autoplay"]?.ToLower() == "true")
userResponse = Console.ReadLine()?.ToLower();
These variables also come in as strings, so they carry the same warning as environment variables did above.
Adding the "Autoplay"
Run the following command to write the "Autoplay"
key to our secrets.json
dotnet user-secrets set "Autoplay" "true"
We can quickly check what keys are accessible in our secrets.json
by running the following command:
dotnet user-secrets list
Oh no! Did you verify and see that you misspelled something? That's okay, we can remove the key using:
dotnet user-secrets remove {key}
... or, we can clear out all the keys by using:
dotnet user-secrets clear
... and you can add the key again to correct any misspellings.
And we're done! If we start up our application, now, a new song will appear on the screen every two seconds until 5 consecutive songs have played!
Misusing configurations
As I previously stated in some asides, this is a wild misuse of the ConfigurationBuilder
, but I believe it demonstrates the ways in which you can pass data from different sources into your application.
So, if this is wrong, what is the right way to use a configuration object?
The most common use-cases for configurations are storing connection strings for databases, external API keys for authentication, setting logging behaviors, to turn on and off features, and configuring environment-specific variables.
While we may not be using it to select the specific decade of music that you're listening to, you no longer have to look at your Program.cs
file and wonder how these values are making their way into the projects that you work on.
Using configurations on your own
In your next project, give the ConfigurationBuilder
a try! A good time to think about this is in the deployment phase of your next personal project.
What are the lines of code that you're changing because you're about to load the application on another machine? These are great candidates to load into an IConfiguraiton
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