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As a new developer, things like debugging can be tedious, confusing, and disheartening. Thinking and planning in a computer language calls for incremental building of the behavior you want and when conceptualizing that behavior it often helps to just "take a look under the hood." Thanks to console.logs you can see an element you want created, observe what kind of promise you get after a fetch call, and track the behavior of your functions.
The MDN definition for console.log states
"The Console method log() outputs a message to the web console. The message may be a single string (with optional substitution values), or it may be any one or more JavaScript objects."
When making a fetch call in a Javascript application I wanted to make, I plugged by returned promise in a "data" variable into a console.log and behold the console showed me the structure and content of the promise in the dev tools.
During a tutorial build out of a NextJS/ Advanced React webpage, we console.log the return of some functions to see their behavior in action. Console.log is one of the most important tools in my development practice.

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