Hello all 👋. My name is Anamika. I am a budding developer from India. I dream of spreading the word of knowledge to as many people as I can. I can’t wait to see a world where each person is well-educated and carry their own set of skills.
My biggest technical goals are…
Be more active in the tech communities that I am a part of.
I believe that communities have always played a role in my learning, and due to the lack of time since previous few months, I am unable to be active in those communities. So, I want to be more active and help others also be a part of some amazing communities.
Do more public speaking.
I believe that sharing is the key. Hence, I am always looking forward to share what I have learnt. Public speaking is one of the best ways to share our leanings with the community and get to hear views from amazing people.
Attend tech conferences and connect with like-minded people.
This is one thing which I so wish to do🥺. I believe that attending tech conferences not only introduces us to great technologies but also provides us with great ideas while meeting with like-minded people. It is always said to be together when working towards a common goal, so why not. ❤️
Contribute more to open source
Open Source is ❤️. I have been engaging with some open source projects but further I want to make more contributions.
Land my dream role
I am working hard towards getting a role in development or as a dev-rel/developer-advocate. Let's hope for the best. 🥺
Build my portfolio
One thing in which I'm still struggling is building my own portfolio. I have tried to do this previously, but due to some reasons, I always left it in between. I've always heard that a portfolio is the best way to showcase your skills and experience. So why not.
My biggest technical achievements are…
I started learning new things. The tech world is always booming with new technologies. One of my goals is to read about a new topic each day.
I enhanced my open-source journey a bit. I began to understand the true meaning of open-source and open-culture. I became a part of different open-source programs as a volunteer, participant, and mentor. I also helped a lot of newbies to make their first contribution to open-source. It felt great to be able to help newcomers and retain their faith in themselves that they are no less and once after getting started, they can do wonders!
I became a scholar! I got the chance to be a part of the SUSE Cloud Native Foundations Program by Udacity.
I was one among the 15000 scholars selected globally to enter the SUSE Cloud Native Foundations Course workspace.
Got to meet so many new people, learnt a lot, made new friends and what not.
In the scholarship program, I even got into top 5 student stories around the world which was really unexpected. ✨
I organized webinars, and sessions. My favorite part about organizing events is that it helps me clear my understanding on the topics even more, and eventually helps people who are stuck in a particular topic and need some guidance.
I spoke at events. I was invited to speak at several events including the Powershell, DevOps and Cloud Conference 2021, Docker Community All Hands #4, Women In Cloud Annual Summit 2022 etc. More of myself in this area will be seen in 2022. 😇
I pledge to break the bias in tech by…
Doing things that are thought as unachievable by some, and help more and more people achieve their goals ✊
I pledge to support women, non-binary folks, and other minorities in tech by…
Standing with them always.Through this post, I want to let you all know that you're not alone. We all are here to help each other in our bad times, as well as to clap for each other in our success. 👏🏼
I’m excited about…
I'm excited to hear from amazing women like you! What did you do to break the bias. What difficulties you've faced and how did you overcome it. Moreover, what are you looking forward to now. I am also excited to connect with some amazing women and folks and work towards the goal of diversity and equality!
At last, but definitely not the least, I want to wish all the women, A Very Happy Women's Day. Do not let anybody bring your confidence down. You have the power! You can do this!

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