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From 200 AI Directories to My Own Search Engine: The Birth of AskAITools

Hey devs! 👋 Ever found yourself drowning in a sea of AI tools, desperately searching for that one perfect app? Yeah, me too. That's why I decided to take matters into my own hands and build AskAITools, an AI application search engine. Let me walk you through my journey from frustration to creation, and dive into some juicy technical details!

The Problem: Too Many Tools, Too Little Organization

In the bustling world of AI communities, a common question always pops up:

"Can anyone recommend a good AI app for [insert specific task here]?"

Sure, community admins and enthusiasts often jump in with manual recommendations, but let's face it - that's not exactly efficient in our fast-paced dev world.

The Quest for a Solution

Being the curious (and slightly obsessive) developer I am, I decided to dive deep into the world of AI directory sites. I mean really deep. I explored nearly 200 of them! 🕵️‍♂️

(For fellow data nerds, I even made a small site listing them all:

But here's the kicker: despite the abundance of directories, none of them truly nailed the user experience I was looking for. Most were just glorified lists, making you scroll endlessly. The few with search functionality? Well, let's just say they left a lot to be desired.

The "Aha!" Moment

That's when it hit me: why not build my own AI application search engine? Not just another directory, but a tool that actually works and makes developers' lives easier.

Building AskAITools: The Tech Behind It

As a former search algorithm engineer, I knew I could bring something unique to the table. Here's what I cooked up over five months of coding, testing, and probably too much coffee:

  1. Massive Index: Over 10,000 applications indexed, surpassing 95% of existing AI directories.

  2. Smart Search: Combined keyword and semantic search for comprehensive results.

  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Displayed metrics like monthly visits and interaction rates to help users make informed choices.

  4. Balanced Ranking: An algorithm that considers both relevance and popularity.

  5. Clean UI: No ads, just pure search functionality.

Here's a sneak peek of the interface, you can check out it here:

AskAITools Desktop Web Screenshot — light mode

AskAITools Desktop Web Screenshot — dark mode

Deep Dive into the Tech Stack

For all you tech enthusiasts out there, let's break down the architecture and technologies powering AskAITools:

  • Front-end: Next.js for a blazing-fast, SEO-friendly React framework
  • Deployment: Vercel for seamless CI/CD and edge computing capabilities
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS for utility-first, highly customizable designs
  • Database: Supabase, offering PostgreSQL with superpowers
  • Keyword Search: Leveraging PostgreSQL's Full-Text Search capabilities via Supabase
  • Semantic Search: Using pgvector extension with Supabase Vector Database for efficient similarity searches
  • Semantic Vector Generation: OpenAI's text-embedding-3 model for high-quality text embeddings

The secret sauce? A hybrid search engine architecture that combines the best of both worlds:

  1. Keyword Search: Traditional full-text search for precise matching
  2. Semantic Search: Vector-based search for understanding context and meaning
  3. Fusion Techniques: Custom algorithms to balance relevance and popularity, ensuring top-quality results

Open Source FTW!

Here's something for my fellow open-source enthusiasts: the core search functionality and frontend code are open-source! 🎉

This means you can use it as a springboard to:

  • Build specialized vertical search engines
  • Create internal document search systems for your organization
  • Experiment with and improve search algorithms

Check it out and maybe throw a star our way:

The Road Ahead

Let's be real here - this is just the beginning of the journey for AskAITools. As an MVP, it's far from perfect and has a long way to go. There are countless improvements to be made, features to add, and bugs to squash.

That's where you come in, fellow developers! Your feedback, ideas, and experiences are invaluable. Whether it's suggesting new features, reporting issues, or sharing how you use the tool, every bit of input helps shape the future of AskAITools.

I'm committed to continuous iteration and improvement. With your help, we can refine the search algorithms, enhance the user interface, and expand the tool's capabilities. Who knows? Your suggestion might be the next big feature!

Happy coding, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas! 🚀

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