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Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Human?


One of the biggest debates currently is on how fast technology is moving. A lot of innovations are coming up, some making life easier but others doing the opposite by completely doing away with the few jobs available. It’s a world where one needs to be up to date with the current trends in technology no matter the profession or specialization.
Intelligence is simply the ability to learn, apply the concepts and adjust to changes. Artificial intelligence is a broad specialization under Computer science and in summary defined as the simulation of human intelligence by machines, especially computers. This means experts design and develop computer systems and Robots that can work as human being.
Applications of Artificial intelligence
As a fully stable field with experts and researches all around the word, artificial intelligence has grown over the past decades and currently applied in different industries;
Just to mention a few, this are some of the well know arears it’s applicable;

  1. Self-driven cars
  2. Biometric recognition
  3. Gamming; “the best cheese player in the world cannot win against a computer” as quoted by Professor Elisha Opiyo- Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Nairobi who has played over 1000 cheese games.
  4. Research and learning; the most recent advancement is the ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence tool that allows one to ask questions and get response immediately. This can be done across all fields from technology, marketing, language translation and health.
  5. Health, from managing medical records to cancer diagnosis

The Big Question
With a quick look at what artificial intelligence is and its application in different filed it’s now time to answer the question “Will artificial intelligence replace human beings?”
Yes Approach:
It is evident that robots and other computer systems have replaced human beings in vary many manual tasks; Here are some of them:

  1. Packaging and storage of products; most industries have automated this process.
  2. Manufacturing; most factories use robots and machines to gather raw materials and even perform quality control. The concept here is the automation of repetitive tasks. If your job involves doing manual repetitive tasks then, look at the trend and think of how to take advantage of technology. The limitation is that when a new step comes in place then the robots and machines have to be reprogrammed to adjust to this. This bring me to the second way of approaching the big question. No Approach I define wisdom as ability to make judgments and decisions based on what one understands, experience and knowledge acquired. It also requires having proper understanding of the human nature and the world. I asked an Artificial Intelligence chat tool ChatGPT this question “Are you wise?” Here is the answer “As an artificial intelligence language model, I do not possess emotions, beliefs, or opinions in the way that humans do. While I am programmed to provide helpful responses to your questions to the best of my ability based on the data and patterns I have been trained on, I do not possess the capacity for wisdom or any other human-like trait. I am a machine designed to process and generate text based on the information provided to me.” In summary, you have the answer in the below questions. Now, Are computers, robots and machines wise? Do we apply wisdom as human being when performing tasks? So, can Artificial intelligence replace human?

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