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Ogu Chukwudi
Ogu Chukwudi

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Exploring CSS Grid Level 3: New Features and Practical Applications


Exploring CSS Grid Level 3: New Features and Practical Applications, provides an in-depth look at the latest advancements in CSS Grid Layout Level 3, including the introduction of features such as the Masonry layout. This specification enhances web design by enabling items to be positioned in grid-like tracks while stacking them in a single axis, facilitating layouts similar to Pinterest's Masonry layout. The article discusses the progression of CSS Grid, its potential for creating more responsive and user-friendly designs, and the impact it has on modern digital design approaches. It also highlights the ease of defining column and row grid lines, offering increased flexibility and cleaner code compared to traditional layout techniques.

Overview of CSS Grid and significance of Level 3 advancements

The CSS Grid Layout is a fundamental tool in web design, revolutionizing the way complex and responsive grid layouts are created across various browsers. Before the advent of CSS grid, web developers relied on methods like tables, floats, and flexbox for layout design. However, CSS grid has emerged as a preferred choice due to its superior capabilities in creating consistent and adaptable layouts. Despite not being an official standard yet, CSS grid has gained widespread acceptance and usage, surpassing older techniques like CSS floats. It streamlines code development by ensuring uniformity across browsers, reducing the need for browser-specific fixes or intricate workarounds. The advancements in CSS Grid Level 3, particularly the introduction of features such as the Masonry layout, empower designers to craft layouts where items are organized into grid-like tracks while being stacked along a single axis. This innovation offers enhanced flexibility and precision in design, eliminating constraints found in traditional grid layouts. The Masonry layout, a popular design pattern, facilitates a seamless flow of items in a layout that naturally accommodates additional content as users scroll, a functionality that was challenging to achieve with previous CSS layout methods. The evolution of CSS Grid Level 3, including the incorporation of the Masonry layout, represents a significant leap in web design, opening up new avenues for creating visually engaging and user-centric layouts through CSS.

Understanding CSS Grid Evolution

Understanding CSS Grid Evolution, explores the development and importance of CSS Grid Layout, a transformative advancement in web design. This evolution signifies a departure from traditional layout techniques like floats and flexbox towards a more robust and adaptable system that enables the creation of intricate and responsive grid layouts. CSS Grid introduces a two-dimensional layout model that manages both columns and rows concurrently, granting designers greater flexibility and control over their designs. By defining grid containers and items, developers can craft layouts that adjust seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions, enhancing website responsiveness. The article underscores the advantages of CSS Grid, including simplifying complex layout creation, promoting clean and structured code, and facilitating precise alignment and positioning of elements. In essence, CSS Grid represents a significant leap forward in web layout design, empowering designers to efficiently create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

Recap of previous levels and introduction to Level 3 features

In reviewing the progression from previous levels to Level 3 and introducing its features:

  • Levels 1 to 12: These stages in the CSS Grid Garden game introduced fundamental concepts like grid-column-start, grid-column-end, negative values, spanning items, shorthand properties, and grid-row positioning, providing practical experience in utilizing CSS Grid for layout design.
  • Levels 24 to 28: These advanced levels focused on configuring complex grid layouts, including creating fixed and fractional columns, distributing space with various units, utilizing grid-template-rows, and using the grid-template shorthand property to construct intricate grid structures.
  • Levels 13 to 14: These stages introduced the grid-row shorthand property for vertical positioning, enabling players to position elements within the grid using line numbers from the top, enhancing their grasp of grid-row alignment.
  • Levels 25 to 27: These levels explored additional properties such as grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and the grid-template shorthand property to define column widths, distribute space, and establish responsive layouts using diverse units and percentages.
  • Level 28: The final stage showcased the application of the grid-template property to create a grid with specific row heights and column widths, demonstrating the versatility and capabilities of CSS Grid in crafting intricate and visually appealing layouts.
  • Level 3 Features: The CSS Grid Level 3 specification introduces innovative elements like the Masonry layout, enabling items to be arranged in a non-grid-like fashion akin to Pinterest's layout. This feature enhances the adaptability of CSS Grid, empowering designers to fashion visually dynamic and responsive layouts that transcend traditional grid structures.

Subgrid Support

Subgrid Support in CSS Grid Layout refers to the functionality that enables nested grids to inherit track sizing, templates, and names from their parent grids. Prior to subgrid support, only direct children of a grid container could utilize the row and column tracks set by the parent grid. However, with subgrid, nested grids can share track sizing, templates, and names with their parent grids, streamlining the layout design process and enhancing flexibility. This feature allows content within the subgrid to influence track sizes, facilitating the creation of responsive and dynamic layouts. By propagating grid definitions from parent grids to nested grids, subgrid support simplifies the construction of intricate layouts, promoting alignment and coherence within the layout hierarchy.
CSS Subgrid is a feature in CSS Grid Layout that enables nested grids to inherit track sizing, templates, and names from their parent grids. This functionality streamlines layout design by allowing nested grids to share grid definitions with their parent grids, simplifying the creation of intricate and responsive layouts without the need for extensive manual adjustments.

Benefits of CSS Subgrid

  • Simplified Nested Grids: CSS Subgrid simplifies the management of nested grids by allowing them to inherit grid definitions from their parent grids, reducing manual adjustments.
  • Enhanced Responsiveness: By aligning nested grids with the outer grid and inheriting its properties, CSS Subgrid ensures responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Improved Alignment: Subgrid facilitates aligning nested items with a single outer grid, enhancing overall alignment and consistency in complex layouts.
  • Efficient Maintenance: CSS Subgrid streamlines the maintenance of large-scale grid layouts by eliminating the complexities of managing multiple independent grids within nested structures.
  • Automatic Adjustment: CSS Subgrid automatically adjusts space within nested grids, ensuring correct alignment and visually appealing layouts without additional JavaScript.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: To maintain a consistent user experience across browsers, CSS Subgrid's support for nested grids underscores the importance of conducting cross-browser compatibility tests.

Practical examples and comparisons

  • Implementation of CSS Subgrid: CSS Subgrid functionality allows nested grids to inherit attributes from their parent grids, streamlining layout design. For example, when a parent grid establishes a layout with named line grids, the subgrid can adopt these named lines, facilitating precise item positioning within the nested grid.
  • Challenges with Nested Grids: Before CSS Subgrid, nested grids presented difficulties in maintaining alignment with the outer grid and responsiveness. Managing two independent grids within nested structures led to maintenance complexities and hindered responsiveness across different devices.
  • Enhancing Responsive Design: CSS Subgrid overcomes the limitations of nested grids by offering a seamless method to align nested elements with a single outer grid. This enhancement ensures that nested items adapt effectively to varying screen sizes and retain alignment within the layout structure.
  • Addressing Element Positioning Issues: The introduction of the subgrid feature in CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2 aimed to resolve the challenge of aligning deeply nested elements with the outer grid. Subgrid provides a solution by enabling items nested at multiple levels to align with a single outer grid, simplifying intricate layout designs and ensuring consistent alignment across nested elements.
  • Comparative Evaluation: CSS Subgrid presents a more efficient and adaptable approach to nested grids compared to traditional techniques like floats, tables, or display properties. While these conventional methods have been used to simulate grid behavior, they come with limitations and are not optimized for layout design. CSS Subgrid offers a robust solution for creating dynamic layouts that adjust to diverse screen sizes and content lengths, guaranteeing a visually appealing and responsive design while maintaining alignment and structure integrity.

Control Over Grid Items

Control Over Grid Items in CSS Grid Layout refers to the capability to precisely position and manage items within a grid container. This control is achieved through properties such as grid-column-start, grid-column-end, grid-row-start, and grid-row-end, enabling developers to define the starting and ending points of grid items along grid lines. By utilizing these properties, developers can dictate the exact placement of items within the grid, exercising control over both their horizontal and vertical positioning.
Furthermore, CSS Grid Layout offers shorthand properties like grid-column and grid-row that streamline the process of specifying the starting and ending positions of grid items. These shorthand properties allow developers to set item positions more efficiently by consolidating start and end values into a single declaration.
Moreover, the grid-area property acts as a versatile shorthand for defining the row and column positions of grid items, simplifying the specification of starting and ending positions in a concise manner. This property also enables the assignment of names to grid items, facilitating easier referencing and management of items within the grid layout.
In essence, the concept of "Control Over Grid Items" in CSS Grid Layout encompasses the precise management of grid item positions within a grid container using properties like grid-column, grid-row, and grid-area, empowering developers to create sophisticated and responsive layouts with precision and ease.

New properties and functions in CSS Grid Layout

  • Condensed Grid Properties: CSS Grid Layout now features shorthand properties like grid-column and grid-row, streamlining the definition of grid item positions in a more concise format for improved readability and efficiency.
  • Grid Area Utility: The grid-area property has been introduced to simplify the specification of grid item positions by efficiently defining row and column placements. This functionality also allows for the assignment of names to grid items, aiding in easier management and referencing.
  • Named Grid Lines: Alongside numerical line references, developers can now assign names to grid lines, offering a more intuitive approach to positioning grid items and enhancing the organization of layout structures.
  • Alignment Flexibility: CSS Grid Layout provides enhanced control over item alignment within grid areas through properties like align-items and justify-items, enabling precise alignment adjustments for improved layout control.
  • Responsive Design Capabilities: Leveraging CSS Grid Layout empowers designers to craft responsive layouts that seamlessly adapt to diverse screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing user experience across various devices.
  • Explicit vs. Implicit Grids: By utilizing properties such as grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, developers can create both explicit grids with defined sizing and implicit grids that dynamically generate tracks for unpositioned items, enhancing layout versatility.
  • Automated Item Placement: CSS Grid Layout facilitates automatic item placement within the grid, simplifying the layout process and enabling the creation of dynamic and varied grid structures without the need for manual positioning adjustments.

These recent enhancements in CSS Grid Layout properties and functions offer developers increased control, efficiency, and adaptability in designing intricate and responsive web layouts.

Examples and best practices in CSS Grid Layout

Illustrative Instances and Optimal Strategies in CSS Grid Layout:

  • Streamlined Grid Positioning: Employing shorthand properties such as grid-column and grid-row enhances the clarity and efficiency of specifying grid item positions in layout design. *Efficient Grid Area Management: The use of the grid-area property simplifies the assignment of grid item positions by effectively defining row and column placements, facilitating improved item management and referencing within the grid.
  • Utilization of Named Grid Lines: Naming grid lines provides a user-friendly method for positioning grid items, contributing to better layout organization and ease of management.
  • Enhanced Alignment Control: Properties like align-items and justify-items offer advanced control over item alignment within grid areas, enabling precise adjustments and refined layout control.
  • Responsive Design Implementation: CSS Grid Layout empowers designers to craft responsive layouts that seamlessly adapt to diverse screen sizes, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing user experience across various devices.
  • Strategic Use of Explicit and Implicit Grids: Leveraging properties like grid-template-columns and `grid-template-rows allows for the creation of both explicit and implicit grids, providing flexibility in layout design and track generation for unpositioned items.
  • Automated Item Placement: CSS Grid Layout simplifies the layout process by facilitating automatic item placement within the grid, enabling the creation of dynamic and diverse grid structures without the need for manual positioning adjustments.

These practical examples and recommended approaches in CSS Grid Layout showcase the versatility, efficiency, and precision available to developers for crafting sophisticated and responsive web layouts.

Enhancing Responsiveness

Enhancing Responsiveness involves optimizing a website's capability to seamlessly adjust to diverse screen sizes and devices. This improvement is facilitated through methods like CSS Grid Layout, enabling developers to create adaptable layouts without extensive reliance on media queries. By leveraging CSS Grid, developers can construct flexible and dynamic web designs that automatically adapt to different screen dimensions, ensuring a consistent user experience across a range of devices. This approach simplifies coding while maintaining the visual appeal and functionality of the website across various platforms.

New features for responsiveness

Innovative Features for Enhancing Responsiveness:

  • Appsmith's Intent-based Auto-layouts: Appsmith introduces a pioneering feature known as intent-based auto-layouts, aimed at simplifying responsive app development by offering a unique approach to building responsive applications.
  • User Preference Media Features: The latest advancements in responsive web design include user preference media features that enable websites to align with individual user preferences, providing personalized and adaptive web experiences tailored to users' specific needs.
  • CSS Grid for Responsive Layouts: CSS Grid has transformed responsive web design by offering a more efficient and robust solution, reducing the reliance on media queries and empowering developers to create responsive layouts with increased simplicity and reduced code complexity.
  • Component-driven Responsive Design: The contemporary approach to responsive web design emphasizes component-driven design, allowing designers to customize designs based on user preferences, combining macro and micro layouts to deliver personalized experiences that consider user customization and device form factors.
  • Responsive Design Principles: Responsive web design principles advocate for the use of flexible grids, layouts, images, and CSS media queries to ensure websites adapt seamlessly to user behavior, platform variations, and screen orientations, eliminating the need for separate designs for different devices or resolutions.

These innovative features and advancements in responsiveness underscore the continuous evolution of web design practices, aiming to create adaptive, user-centric, and efficient web experiences across diverse devices and screen sizes.

Implementation techniques

Drawing from the provided sources, the strategies for implementing responsive web design using CSS Grid encompass the following key approaches:

  • Utilization of CSS Grid Properties: Activating the CSS grid system involves setting the container element's display property to "grid" in the CSS stylesheet. By employing properties like grid-row and grid-column, developers can precisely position elements within the grid, facilitating the creation of dynamic layouts that seamlessly adjust to varying screen sizes and devices.
  • Creation of Responsive Grid-View: Implementing a responsive grid-view entails segmenting the webpage into columns, typically utilizing a 12-column grid system that dynamically adjusts in width as the browser window is resized. This method simplifies element placement and offers enhanced layout control for optimal responsiveness.
  • Integration of Media Queries for Adaptability: Media queries are essential for tailoring grid layouts to different devices and screen dimensions. They enable developers to modify grid properties based on specific criteria, ensuring the layout's optimal display across a diverse range of screens and devices.
  • Utilization of Grid System with Fractional Units: Fractional units (fr) play a vital role in creating flexible and responsive grids. These units distribute available space, adapt sizing based on content, and support proportional scaling, contributing to the layout's adaptiveness and responsiveness.
  • Employment of CSS Grid for Two-Dimensional Layouts: CSS Grid serves as a robust layout system for establishing rows and columns, offering a versatile approach to designing complex layouts effortlessly. It allows for item reordering using the order property, ensuring logical arrangement across various screen sizes for a responsive and user-centric layout.

These techniques underscore the significance of CSS Grid in responsive web design, showcasing how developers can leverage its functionalities to craft visually engaging, adaptable, and user-friendly layouts that cater to a wide array of screen sizes and devices.

Case Studies

Case Studies are in-depth analyses of specific projects or scenarios that provide insights into real-world applications, successes, challenges, and outcomes. In web design, they focus on documenting and sharing the development process, strategies, and results of a project, particularly in responsive design, to offer valuable lessons and inspiration to other designers and developers.

Real-world applications of Level 3 features

In practical autonomous driving applications, Level 3 features are exemplified by advanced driver assistance systems that enable hands-off and eyes-off driving capabilities. These systems allow vehicles to autonomously make informed decisions while still necessitating the driver's alertness to assume control when necessary. Honda's Level 3 technology, Honda Sensing Elite, showcases a hands-off assist function tailored for congested stop-and-go traffic situations, operational at speeds below 31 mph. Despite the technological advancements, the implementation of Level 3 systems, such as Honda's, faces challenges, as evidenced during a test drive in Japan where limitations were observed in system engagement and operation on roads with sharp turns. This level of automation signifies a significant advancement in technology but underscores the complexities and constraints of Level 3 autonomous driving systems in real-world settings.

Best Practices

  • Compliance with Policies and Regulations: Ensuring autonomous vehicles (AVs) conform to regulatory standards is paramount for safety and legal adherence. Aligning AV behavior with national and international regulations promotes consistency and compliance across different regions.
  • Driver Engagement and Control: Highlighting the necessity of driver alertness and readiness within Level 3 autonomous systems is crucial. Despite offering hands-off and eyes-off driving capabilities, drivers must remain vigilant and prepared to assume control when required, emphasizing the shared responsibility between the automated system and the driver.
  • Technological Progress and Constraints: Recognizing both the advancements and limitations of Level 3 autonomous driving systems is essential. While these systems signify a significant technological leap, challenges like engagement restrictions, operational limitations on specific road types, and the need for human intervention underscore the complexities and limitations of current autonomous technologies in practical scenarios.
  • Consumer Education and Acceptance: Educating consumers about the functionalities and constraints of autonomous driving features is key to building trust and acceptance. Providing clear information on the capabilities, prerequisites, and safety aspects of Level 3 systems helps manage expectations and promote responsible utilization of autonomous technologies.

Recommendations and pitfalls to avoid


  • Safety and Trustworthiness: Ensuring autonomous vehicles prioritize safety and instill trust is paramount. Developing robust systems capable of handling rare or unexpected situations is essential for safe autonomous operation.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Addressing ethical dilemmas in autonomous driving involves determining how to make ethical decisions swiftly, particularly in potential accident scenarios. Factors such as minimizing harm to individuals and prioritizing safety are critical considerations.
  • Public Education: Educating the public about the advantages and limitations of autonomous driving technology is crucial for fostering acceptance and awareness. Providing clear information on the capabilities and safety features of self-driving cars can help manage expectations and promote responsible usage.
  • Infrastructure Readiness: Investing in infrastructure enhancements and adaptations is vital for the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles. Ensuring that roads and transportation systems are equipped to support autonomous technology is essential for its successful integration into society.

Pitfalls to Avoid:

  • Employment Impact: The introduction of autonomous driving technology may lead to job displacement among professional drivers, potentially affecting employment rates and the economy. Addressing potential workforce displacement due to automation is essential to mitigate negative economic impacts.
  • Technological Reliance: Excessive dependence on self-driving vehicles could erode human driving skills and compromise overall safety. Striking a balance between integrating autonomous technology and preserving essential driving abilities is crucial for maintaining road safety.
  • Data Privacy and Security Challenges: Concerns regarding data privacy and cybersecurity risks arise from the extensive collection and utilization of personal data by autonomous vehicles. Implementing robust data protection measures is imperative to safeguard user information and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Ethical Quandaries: Resolving ethical dilemmas surrounding how autonomous vehicles should navigate potential accidents presents significant challenges. Addressing ethical concerns in autonomous driving technology necessitates thoughtful deliberation and transparent decision-making processes.


In conclusion, the evolution of autonomous driving technology, particularly Level 3 features, presents a promising yet complex landscape for the automotive industry and society as a whole. By implementing best practices such as regulatory compliance, driver engagement, technological advancements, and consumer education, stakeholders can navigate the challenges and opportunities associated with autonomous vehicles effectively. It is essential to prioritize safety, ethical decision-making, public awareness, and infrastructure development to ensure the successful integration of autonomous driving technology into our transportation systems. By heeding these recommendations and avoiding pitfalls like job displacement, technological dependence, data privacy concerns, and ethical dilemmas, we can work towards a future where autonomous vehicles enhance road safety, efficiency, and mobility while addressing societal needs and ethical considerations. As the journey towards autonomous driving continues, collaboration, innovation, and responsible decision-making will be key in shaping a sustainable and inclusive autonomous driving ecosystem for the benefit of all.

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