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Oli Treadwell
Oli Treadwell

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Why you should ask for code reviews early on and review others code!

Hey there, software developers!

Looking to improve your coding skills, learn from others, and avoid wasting hours or days on what ends up being a simple fix?

There's one tactic that you absolutely shouldn't overlook.


Code review is the practice of sharing your code with others and reviewing the code of others. It may seem a little scary at first! Trust me, it's worth it.

Here are a few reasons why:

1. Two heads are better than one:

Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh pair of eyes to spot those pesky errors that you've been staring at for hours.

I know! I spent 2 whole workdays at my first job wondering why my code wasn't working. I was missing an equal sign = to reassign a variable value. 🤬

When you share your code with others, they can help you catch mistakes you may have missed on your own.

2. Learn something new:

Collaborating with other developers can help you pick up new skills and techniques.

By reviewing someone else's code, you might discover a more efficient way of doing things or a tool you didn't even know existed.

Code review is a great place to ask questions and share your knowledge. Be curious and open to learning new things!

3. Don't make the same mistake twice:

By reviewing others' code, you can learn from their mistakes and avoid making the same errors yourself. This can save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.

One of the best ways to share and review your code is through GitHub. GitHub is a platform that allows you to host your code and collaborate with other developers. By posting your code on GitHub, you can invite others to review your code and provide feedback. You can also review the code of others and learn from their techniques and approaches.

To sum it up, sharing and reviewing your code with other developers is a must if you want to become a better software developer. By being open to feedback and collaborating with others, you can catch errors, learn new techniques, and become a better coder.

So why not give it a shot? Share your code today and start collaborating with other developers. Who knows what you might learn or what problems you might solve together?

And speaking of collaboration, what are some other ways you like to work with other developers? Let us know in the comments below!

Here are some resources to get you started:

Awesome Code Review

Why Code Reviews Matter - Atlassian

cover image credit: Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

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