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Oliver Kem
Oliver Kem

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Displaying dynamic JSON data in GatsbyJS

GatsbyJS is an amazing tool to help leverage when building website. GatsbyJS offers amazing features like the built in GraphQL tool to help in queries for files inside the filesystem and retrieve data without the need of reading the data. This is an amazing feature in terms of optimized application performance. GraphQL also offers libraries like gatsby-source-dev that helps retrieve data from the website.
In a later session, I will show us how to fetch data from using markdown feature. For today, let us learn how we can use gatsby-transform-json to retrieve data and display it in our application.


  • Javascript
  • Knowledge with React
  • Typescript (But not necessary)
  • GatsbyJS (But not necessary)

With this information. Let's dive into it

We first need to initiialize an new application. Let's go into our terminal and run the following command.

$ npm init gatsby
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This this in your terminal and follow the prompt. I am using the src directory because I find it awesome having all files in one folder.
I am creating my portfolio website and I want to display the list of projects I have done in my projects page.

$ cd my-portfolio
$ npm run develop 
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This spins up a server in localhost:8000 and a Graphql server at localhost:8000/__graphql

I had already set up my project before. Just create a folder inside the src and name it projects. Then add a folder called images inside and a file called products.json. When you create a new gatsby project, it comes with some default plugins contained in the gatsby-config.ts file. Let's take a look at it

Image of Gatsby-config.ts file
When you Query for the site's metadata, it is returns the title and siteurl, but we will not look at that.
Inside the plugins' array, there are default plugins like "gatsby-plugin-mdx", gatsby-plugin-sharp", "gatsby-transformer-sharp" that comes preinstalled.
But for us, we will need to interact with our json data. So we need to add a few new plugin called gatsby-transformer-remark and gatsby-transformer-json. These libraries help us interact with the JSON data.
Go to your terminal and run the following

$ npm install gatsby-transformer-remark gatsby-transformer-json
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Once installed, add this to your gatsby-config.ts file.

GatsbyJS image with transformer-json added
Now we are all set. But there's one more thing to add. We need to give our GraphQL server permission to access the projects folder we created. So lets do that. Inside our gatsby-config.ts, add the following

    resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
    options: {
      "name": "projects",
      "path": "./src/projects/"
    __key: "projects"
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Now, it can access the projects folder. Your code should be like this

Updated with Projects folder view

Now, let's add a files inside the projects folder called projects.json and will store our projects information, let's add some info. Let's also create a file called images inside the projects folder. We will store images for our projects here.


        "title":"Project 1",
        "description":"My first project",
        "title":"Project 2",
        "description":"My second project",
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With this in set, let's go on and start working on our code.

Go to the terminal and spin up your development server

$ npm run develop
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GatsbyJS spins up a development server at localhost:8000 where you can view your app. GatsbyJS also offers a GraphQL playground where you can interact with your files in your projects, this is amazing because it helps interact with files and at the same times Gatsby offers other plugin libraries e.g gatsby-source-devand gatsby-source-hashnode which helps fetch from and Hashnode, API to fetch for blog posts, but these two are just to name a few, you can search for all plugins

To view your GraphQL playground go to localhost:8000/___graphql

When you visit through this url, you find a nice graphql playground. With this playground, you can query for information and files in your folder, this is amazing.

Image for GraphQL Playground

You will also see allProjectsJson, this of course depends on what you named your json file, but with this, you can query for information in your json file. I will be adding a file called projects.tsx in my application. This will be the route for my application's projects page.

Now let's query for some stuff

Json file

We've just query for the information in our file. When we type in the query, we get some information.

Information Query
Let's now add this to our project's file.
Go to your projects.tsx file and write this

import * as React from "react"
import { HeadFC, PageProps, useStaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
import ProjectsList from "../components/Projects/Projects.component";
import Footer from "../components/Footer/Footer.component";
const IndexPage: React.FC<PageProps> = () => {
    const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
        query MyQuery {
        allProjectsJson {
            edges {
                node {
                    imageUrl {
                        childImageSharp {
                            fluid(maxWidth: 700) {
    return (
            <PageInfoComponent title="Projects" path="projects"/>

export default IndexPage

export const Head: HeadFC = () => <title>Projects </title>

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Now in our Projects.component.tsx file, let's add the following line of code.
So here, Loop through the information provided and display them here.

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import Image from 'gatsby-image';

type ProjectsListProps = {
    projects: any[],
function ProjectsList({projects, theme}: ProjectsListProps) {
    return (
       any) => (
                        <Image fluid={edge.node.imageUrl.childImageSharp.fluid} alt={edge.node.title} />
                        <p style={{
                            color: theme?.color
                        <a href={edge.node.url}>Learn More </a>
export default ProjectsList;
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The useStaticQuery is a hook that is used. The graphql allows us to query for the information. This is cool.
You can add your styling there to display the information.

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