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Anthony Oloko
Anthony Oloko

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Building and integrating APIs. The challenges and how I resolve it

Project Overview:

I was responsible for building and integrating APIs for an application that provided real-time trading and portfolio management capabilities.

Key Responsibilities:

API Development:

Designed and developed RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express.
Implemented endpoints for user authentication, trading operations, and portfolio management.

API Integration:

Integrated third-party financial data providers and payment gateways.
Ensured secure and efficient data exchange between the application and external services.

Challenges and Resolutions:

1. Security Concerns:

Challenge: Ensuring the security of sensitive financial data and transactions.
Implemented OAuth 2.0 for secure authentication and authorization.
Used HTTPS and SSL/TLS to encrypt data in transit.
Conducted regular security audits and implemented measures like rate limiting and IP whitelisting to prevent abuse.

2. Data Consistency and Integrity:

Challenge: Maintaining data consistency and integrity across multiple services and databases.
Used transactions and two-phase commits where necessary.
Implemented validation and error-handling mechanisms to ensure data integrity.
Leveraged WebSockets for real-time updates to ensure data consistency between client and server.

3. Performance Optimization:

Challenge: Ensuring APIs could handle high volumes of requests without performance degradation.
Implemented caching strategies using Redis to reduce database load.
Optimized database queries and used indexing to improve response times.
Implemented load balancing to distribute the load across multiple servers.

4. Integration with Third-Party Services:

Challenge: Handling different data formats and ensuring compatibility with third-party APIs.
Developed middleware to transform and normalize data between different formats.
Implemented robust error handling and retry mechanisms to handle intermittent failures in third-party services.
Maintained comprehensive documentation to ensure clear understanding of integration points.


Secure and Reliable APIs: Delivered secure and reliable APIs that met stringent financial industry standards.
High Performance: Achieved high performance and scalability, handling thousands of concurrent requests with minimal latency.
Seamless Integration: Successfully integrated multiple third-party services, enhancing the application's functionality and user experience.

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Step-by-step guide on how to create and set up your project on GitHub using Visual Studio Code (VS Code). This will include initializing a project, coding, and linking it to a GitHub repository.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create and Set Up a Project on GitHub

1. Create Your Local Project

1.1 Create a New Project Folder

  1. Open File Explorer/Finder:

    • Navigate to where you want to create your new project.
  2. Create a New Folder:

    • Right-click and select New Folder.
    • Name the folder trading-portfolio-api.

1.2 Open Visual Studio Code

  1. Launch VS Code:

    • Open Visual Studio Code from your applications or start menu.
  2. Open the Project Folder:

    • File Menu: Go to File > Open Folder….
    • Select Folder: Choose the trading-portfolio-api folder you created.
    • Click Select Folder (or Open on Mac).

2. Initialize a Node.js Project

2.1 Open Terminal in VS Code

  1. Open Terminal:
    • Go to Terminal > New Terminal (or use the shortcut Ctrl + ` on Windows/Linux, Cmd + ` on Mac).

2.2 Initialize the Project

  1. Run the Initialization Command:

    • In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter:
     npm init -y
  • Explanation: This command initializes a new Node.js project and creates a package.json file with default settings.

3. Install Required Packages

3.1 Install Dependencies

  1. Run Command to Install Packages:

    • Type the following command in the terminal and press Enter:
     npm install express axios redis dotenv aws-sdk
  • Explanation:
    • express: A web framework for building APIs.
    • axios: A library for making HTTP requests.
    • redis: A library for caching.
    • dotenv: A library for managing environment variables.
    • aws-sdk: A library for interacting with AWS services.

4. Set Up Project Structure

4.1 Create Basic Files and Folders

  1. Create app.js File:

    • Right-click on the trading-portfolio-api folder in the Explorer view and select New File.
    • Name the file app.js.
  2. Add Basic Server Code:

    • Open app.js and add the following code:
     const express = require('express');
     const app = express();
     const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
     app.get('/', (req, res) => {
       res.send('Welcome to the Trading and Portfolio API!');
     app.listen(PORT, () => {
       console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`);

4.2 Create Additional Folders

  1. Create routes and middleware Folders:

    • Right-click on the trading-portfolio-api folder and select New Folder.
    • Name the folders routes and middleware.
  2. Create Route Files:

    • Inside the routes folder, create files like auth.js, trading.js, and portfolio.js.
  3. Create Middleware File:

    • Inside the middleware folder, create a file named authMiddleware.js.
  4. Add Code to Route Files:

    • For routes/auth.js, add:
     const express = require('express');
     const router = express.Router();
'/login', (req, res) => {
       res.send('Login endpoint');
     module.exports = router;
  • For middleware/authMiddleware.js, add:

     const authMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
       // Authentication logic
     module.exports = authMiddleware;
  1. Update app.js to Use Routes and Middleware:

    • Modify app.js to:
     const express = require('express');
     const app = express();
     const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
     const authRoutes = require('./routes/auth');
     const tradingRoutes = require('./routes/trading');
     const portfolioRoutes = require('./routes/portfolio');
     const authMiddleware = require('./middleware/authMiddleware');
     app.use('/auth', authRoutes);
     app.use('/trading', authMiddleware, tradingRoutes);
     app.use('/portfolio', authMiddleware, portfolioRoutes);
     app.get('/', (req, res) => {
       res.send('Welcome to the Trading and Portfolio API!');
     app.listen(PORT, () => {
       console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`);

5. Set Up AWS Integration

5.1 Configure AWS SDK

  1. Create .env File:

    • In the root of your project, create a file named .env.
  2. Add AWS Credentials:

    • Open .env and add:
  3. Configure AWS SDK in app.js:

    • Update app.js to:
     const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
       accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
       secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
       region: process.env.AWS_REGION
     const s3 = new AWS.S3();

5.2 Integrate AWS Services

  1. Create AWS Service File:

    • In the project root, create a services folder.
    • Inside services, create a file named s3Service.js.
  2. Add Code to s3Service.js:

    • Open s3Service.js and add:
     const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
     const s3 = new AWS.S3();
     const uploadFile = (fileName, fileContent) => {
       const params = {
         Bucket: 'your-bucket-name',
         Key: fileName,
         Body: fileContent
       return s3.upload(params).promise();
     module.exports = { uploadFile };
  3. Use AWS Service in Routes:

    • Update routes/trading.js to:
     const express = require('express');
     const router = express.Router();
     const s3Service = require('../services/s3Service');
'/upload', async (req, res) => {
       const { fileName, fileContent } = req.body;
       try {
         await s3Service.uploadFile(fileName, fileContent);
         res.status(200).send('File uploaded successfully');
       } catch (error) {
         res.status(500).send('Error uploading file');
     module.exports = router;

6. Initialize Git and Set Up GitHub

6.1 Initialize Git Repository

  1. Open Terminal in VS Code:

    • Terminal Menu: Go to Terminal > New Terminal.
  2. Run Command:

    • Initialize Git repository:
     git init

6.2 Create .gitignore File

  1. Create File: In the project root, create a file named .gitignore.

  2. Add Entries to .gitignore:

    • Open .gitignore and add:

6.3 Commit Changes

  1. Stage Files:

    • Run the following command to stage all files:
     git add .
  2. Commit Files:

    • Commit the staged files:
     git commit -m "Initial commit"

6.4 Create GitHub Repository

  1. Go to GitHub:

  2. Create New Repository:

    • Click the + icon in the top-right corner and select New repository.
  3. Fill Out Repository Details:

    • Repository Name: Enter trading-portfolio-api.
    • Description: (Optional) Add a description.
    • Visibility: Choose Public or Private.
  4. Create Repository:

    • Click Create repository.

6.5 Push to GitHub

  1. Add Remote Repository:

    • Copy URL: From the GitHub repository page, copy the URL under …or push an existing repository from the command line.
    • Run Command:
     git remote add origin
  2. Push Changes:

    • Push your local changes to GitHub:

     git branch -M main
     git push -u origin main
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