This is short blog on my journey to taking up Cloud Resume Challenge built on Azure Cloud. It's a static website hosted on Azure Storage, with a visitor counter using on Azure Functions. I decided to take on this challenge to test my resilience and develop my troubleshooting skills. As I have AZ900 and CompTIA A+ Certification, I am hopeful of getting a job in IT helpdesk/ Cloud related role.
The website is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The visitor counter is built with .NET and Azure Functions. Other tools used in the development process are Vscode, GitHub
frontend/: Folder contains the website.
main.js: Folder contains visitor counter code.
api/: Folder contains the dotnet API deployed on Azure Functions.
Counter.cs: Contains the visitor counter code.
.github/workflows/: Folder contains CI/CD workflow configurations.
Frontend resources
The front-end is a static site with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's static and has a visitor counter. The visitor counter data fetched via an API call to an Azure Function. My HTML resume is deployed online as an Azure Storage static website.
Backend resources
The back-end is an HTTP triggered Azure Functions with Cosmos DB input and output binding. The Function is triggered, it retrieves the CosmosDB item, adds 1 to it, and saves it and returns its value to the caller.
Challenges I ran into
Whilst building this project I encountered a few issues with getting my Visitor Counter page displaying number of visitors. What I did to check the error was opening the chrome browser’s developer tools (usually by pressing F12) and check the console for any error messages. This can give you more details about the specific jQuery error.
I discovered three errors, firstly CORS was not properly configured with the static website URL.
The second issue was I encountered a mixed content error, which happens when a secure HTTPS page tries to load resources over an insecure HTTP connection. This can cause issues with your jQuery scripts.
Throughout the execution of this project, I experienced several roadblocks with code execution, accessing storage from Visual Studio Code, linking my HTML page with JavaScript I learnt a lot about troubleshooting and persistence which will be very useful in my Cloud career journey.
One last issue I encountered before testing was the implementation of GitHub Actions workflow to deploy your static website in Azure Storage. Each time I tried updating my static website from Visual Studio Code I have this annoying error come up. It took me a while to figure out a fix.
What’s next
I am now planning on developing essentials skills required for a Cloud role before making attempt to apply for jobs. I will start of learning Phyton, Networking, scripting and Linux before tackling one or two more cloud projects. Maybe one more certification in Networking or Linux before starting a job search in IT Helpdesk/ Cloud related role.
Try it out
Here is my domain:
Project on GitHub:
Here is the link to Cloud Resume Challenge - Azure
Top comments (1)
Good work, man. I like the site's design. It's simple and effective. I'm interested in a career in cyber security or cloud computing myself. Keep pushing!