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Victor Chanil Park
Victor Chanil Park

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Simple markdown website generation with Rino Docs🚀

I am lazy! Kinda... 😴

Do you find yourself spending too much time adding new pages to your documentation website? If so, you're not alone! Maintaining documentation can be a tedious task, involving copying and pasting files and writing markdown content. So I have created a simple markdown documentation tool, Rino Docs.

What is Rino Docs? 🤪

Rino Docs is a simple markdown documentation tool powered by Rino.js. It simplifies the process of adding new documentation pages and enables you to customize the design of your documentation website.

Rino Docs reads markdown files from the ./src/mds directory and generates HTML pages in the ./dist directory. What sets it apart is its ability to automatically generate a sidebar component with a list of links for all your documentation pages. No more manual linking!


npm create rinodocs@latest
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Development & Build:

npm run dev
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Sitemap generation:

npm run sitemap
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Markdown Webapge

Organizing Sidebar Links 🧐

You might wonder how the links in the sidebar are ordered. It's quite simple! Just add a number at the beginning of your markdown file names. Rino Docs will automatically sort the links based on the numeric order of the file names. For example, naming a file as '1. Home' will place it at the top of the sidebar.

Sidebar of Rino documentation

Customizing Your Documentation Website ✍️

Want to customize the template of your documentation website? You have the flexibility to do so. Simply edit the files located in ./src/pages/ and ./src/components/. If you need to support multiple languages or make any other adjustments, feel free to edit any files within the project.

Rino document website

For the last 🚀

Don't let documentation drain your time and energy. Give Rino Docs a try and simplify your documentation workflow today!

Useful Links 🌐

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