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30 GitHub Learning Repositories for Beginner Developers

Starting out as a developer can be overwhelming, especially when trying to learn a new programming language or framework. However, there are plenty of free resources available that can help you get started. Here are 25 GitHub learning repositories that beginner developers can use to improve their skills:

1. freeCodeCamp

A comprehensive curriculum for web development that includes interactive coding challenges and projects.

2. The Odin Project

A full-stack curriculum focused on Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

3. React-for-Beginners

A beginner-friendly guide to learning React, including setup, components, and project examples.

4. learn-javascript

A comprehensive guide to learning JavaScript for beginners.

5. JavaScript30

A 30-day challenge to improve your JavaScript skills with 30 projects.

6. React Training

A comprehensive course on React that covers both fundamental concepts and advanced topics.

7. Ruby on Rails Tutorial

A complete guide to learning Ruby on Rails, a popular web development framework.

8. Django Girls Tutorial

A comprehensive guide to building web applications with the Django framework.

9. Rust for Beginners

A comprehensive guide to learning the Rust programming language.

10. Git from the Inside Out

A guide to understanding Git and its inner workings.

11. Rust Programming Language

The official book for learning the Rust programming language.

12. Elixir School

A comprehensive curriculum for learning the Elixir programming language.

13. Project Euler

A collection of programming challenges designed to help improve problem-solving skills.

14. Computer Science 101

A comprehensive curriculum for computer science that covers algorithms, data structures, and more.

15. Scrimba

A comprehensive React course that includes interactive coding exercises and live coding sessions.

16. CSS Grid

A comprehensive guide to using CSS Grid, a layout system for web development.

17. GitHub Learning Lab

A set of tutorials and interactive coding exercises designed to help you learn how to use

18. Awesome-Learn-By-Building

A collection of projects and tutorials to help you learn new technologies by building real-world applications.

19. Fullstack React

A free course that covers the basics of React and its ecosystem, with daily lessons and coding challenges.

20. React Fundamentals

A comprehensive course that covers the fundamentals of React, including its concepts, API, and best practices.

21. Node.js Best Practices

A collection of best practices and tips for building scalable and maintainable Node.js applications.

22. Frontend Mentor

A collection of coding challenges that help you build and practice your front-end development skills.

23. Git-it

A terminal-based Git tutorial that covers the basics of Git and helps you get started with version control.

24. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

A collection of algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript, with explanations and code examples.

25. JavaScript-Roadmap

A comprehensive roadmap for learning JavaScript, including front-end and back-end development.

26. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

A comprehensive guide to modern JavaScript, from beginner to advanced level.

27. The Complete Node.js Developer Course

A comprehensive guide to building applications with Node.js and its various modules, from server-side to client-side.

28. Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet

A concise, up-to-date reference guide to modern JavaScript syntax and features.

29. React Native Express

A beginner-friendly guide to building mobile apps with React Native, covering both iOS and Android platforms.

30. Jest Playground

A great repository to get started with Jest, the popular JavaScript testing framework.


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