Originally published on my blog: The four types of remote work
Remote work interests me very much, and I've been very keen on getting to know more...
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Honestly I can't see myself work in remote. I just like to go the office and know other people, having fun with them, if I have some kind of problem I can ask for support to my colleagues. The idea of being alone in my a room (or in any other ok) simply doesn't attract me... I like office life!
I truly believe there are ways of working that suit all of us, with each individual quirk we might have. I see a lot of positive things about having an office, but having passed the last 4 years doing ~2/3 commute hours a day, I value time quite differently, so remote just makes sense for me, even if it's just friendly/first.
Also, there are remote workers who work in co-working spaces, so you can still have an office life, but in an office that's 5/10min away and not hours away. Missing human interaction is something that happens to remote workers (mostly people who work from home), but you can find a lot of helpful tips online on how to deal with that.
I agree that remote work does not come for free, as does not office work, the thing is, we're so used to the latter that we forgot how we learned it in the first time. Just try and remember the difficulty you had in learning how to use a mouse and keyboard, you now take it for granted, but there was a learning curve. Such is the case of remote work.
I'd like to add this article from tmetric blog, quite interesting and useful - blog.tmetric.com/how-to-work-from-...
If you can provide links for remote at home, it will be helpfull for me
Some recommendations I can give (not solely focused on working from home):
There are several companies that have very good blog posts about remote, you could check on those as well:
Just adding another post -
It is actually an ebook by Trello and it talks in detail about all facets of remote working. You guys might find it helpful.
Sometimes the office life can draw your concentration down by having too many disturbances, sometimes i get annoyed by people constantly asking for assistance, I end up being called Mr Know it all which is just not nice.
Great summary!
I've worked in all four environments. If you want to work remotely full time, then the Remote Friendly model is the absolute worst. It's inefficient for everyone involved (and being a lone remote worker will cause you to be excluded from common information sharing).
For "No Remote" one of the "pros" is:
But I'd actually say this is a "con". When you work in a distributed team you'll find that most meetings go away, and the same information sharing happens in a few minutes over async chats. Meetings are a huge productivity killer, and a main reason why I love remote work.
I was mostly referring to the standard way we perceive it, because I tend to agree with you there, however it's not a straightforward process to get to that point (hence being a pro). You need to first go through things like having distributed team, to re-evaluating the whole meeting process and understanding async communication, to then realize how it needs to be an integral part of your work life.
We're mostly synchronous in the way we communicate, async is great but has a learning curve.
Great point, nonetheless!
Yep, totally agree. It's a real paradigm shift. :)
Love remote, my current situation is Remote first, there's a co-working that the rest of the company (the partners, CTO, CFO and CEO) work at, and I'm remote 4 days on the week, I just love it, it's by far the best way to do remote work.
Last year I spent some 8 months in pure remote, working for a company in another state in my country, the skype calls were daily, long AF, the guys at the company (not devs) frequently got confused about what I and my peers (also remotes) were doing, and the first time we all met in person in the company's place, everybody look very strange, no small talk, resuming, 1 month later I quit without even a new place to work! Just quit because I was having another burnout.
I just started a new, remote only, job. Couldn't be any happier! But, I love to travel and talk at events wherever I go. Can't say everybody is like that, so I guess it really depends on the person.
I'm just starting my career, and I'm already so much fascinated with working only remote.
I just want to work with people from other countries as well as learn those small tidbits e. g., I use Sumatra PDF which one do you prefer?
That's of the coolest thing with remote work.
You can go where you want to go, and work where you want to work.communication with your partners if you're on a remote team it's all about something like chanels on the discord(i love that app)
Some rules must be established and everytime must follow those rules.
You might have no stipulated work hours for office, but my personal experience tells me otherwise, however I agree there are exceptions (it's a good thing that they are). When you're a in distributed team for example, that concept isn't really applicable, as not everyone will have the same work schedule.
I can't live in the same city I work in, and if I wanted to work on the city I live in, I'd have to pass on the current job I have, which I don't want to. Honestly, I don't think it should be one way or the other, especially given that I can perfectly do my job whilst being remote. Being remote also gives you the possibility to, for example, travel the world, while working for the same company, having the same job.
I agree that remote communication isn't the same (or doesn't come as easy) as in person, but I disagree that you couldn't teach or learn through pair programming. You have a wide set of tools that helps achieve just that, you just have to learn a different form of communication. Most of the communication will probably be done asynchronously (and this has a learning curve), but you could fallback to synchronous when needed (like a one-to-one call).
I remote. Do you remote?
No. Individual can never be as efficient as a team, distributed team can never be as efficient as colocated one. For me, if you take your job serious, you want to efficient at it - you work on-site with a colocated team. Personally for me office is a good boundary, that helps keeping work/life balance - no to little work outside of office (hours). Commuting time I spend reading, or riding a. bicycle, if weather allows.
There’s suprisingly little cons for full remote, I think you’re a bit biased )
Office cons is that watercooler conversations are not written? for remote they are not even happening))
I strongly disagree. Efficient communication is not related to how people communicate, but what they communicate.
There is a #watercooler channel for that.
I've worked remote for the same company for 21 years. Initially it was No remote, then more recently Remote friendly. I can agree with everything you have said.
Comms are good but even so it's the small nuggets of information that get lost when remote and they, as you say, are by fly by chats/water cooler moments. But that is also true for other office team members, so I don't worry about it.
Really nice post.
I've worked remotely in a non tech job and it was good for me. After being in offices full of poison people and having no options it was a relief. I just had a deadline so if I was sick I could rest and do the work later in the day when I wasn't feeling so out of sorts. It allowed me to manage the things corporations don't care about much (health and sanity) and work on my own terms.
I'd argue fixed working hours are both a pro and a con.
Easy to know when you've done enough work.
Hard to take breaks when you're less productive / have life stuff to deal with.
I personally don't have fixed working hours (mandated by the company), but I still have my own working hours. The biggest difference is that I decide my own ours, and I can change them if I want. You have both the power and the responsibility of keeping your work schedule.
Hey there! I'd love to publish this on Byteconf's Medium publication -- more details here about our story submission process: medium.com/byteconf/ios-12-wishlis...
Hey! As long as you point it back to here or my blog you're good to go. Btw, the link you posted has no reference to any submission process (at least one that I could see).
Great article! I honestly see myself working remote when I have more experience, and as far as I see it, seems great