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Becoming Blockchain developer

Working as full stack developer minding my own business.
My boss gets a call from a potential client...
promises him Vitalik Buterin on drugs,
walk up to me:
Mark, you have a month and a half to become blockchain developer.

I'm taking you with me on my blockchain journey and I'm not even kidding that really happened.
In September I'm starting to work on Ether project alongside my two colleagues.

So my idea how to adopt a whole new ecosystem in short period of time:

First thing first I'll research all relevant technologies
and I'll try to figure out what problems they are trying to solve.

After that, I'll probably fly over these tutorials and materials.

Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide

Interesting YouTube channel

Interactive game/tutorial

And ofc Docs

That's for starters, If you have any suggestions feel free to contact me or write some constructive comments.

I'll be posting regularly, so come on board and let this adventure begin.

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