Formerly known as PDMarkdownKit, renamed to NanoMD starting from version
A modern Markdown editor built with pure JavaScript, focusing on performance and user experience. Leveraging virtual DOM technology to provide smooth real-time preview and editing experience.
High-Performance Editing
- Smart virtual DOM updates for optimal performance
- Real-time split-screen preview with WYSIWYG experience
- Intelligent scroll synchronization
- Optimized for large documents with zero lag
Advanced Markdown Support
- Complete standard syntax support
- Extended features:
- Code formatting and syntax highlighting
- Real-time math formula rendering
- Automatic table formatting
- Checkable task lists
- Quick block quotes
Media Integration
- Automatic YouTube and Vimeo video embedding with previews
- Smart image handling:
- Automatic thumbnail generation
- Flexible size control
- Multiple alignment options
- Responsive media support
Technical Advantages
- Pure JavaScript implementation, no external dependencies
- Efficient virtual DOM implementation
- Modular architecture design
- Complete ES Module support
- Website:
- Documentation:
- Demo:
Install via npm
npm i @pardnchiu/nanomd
Include via CDN
Include the NanoMD
<!-- Version 1.8.0 and above -->
<script src="[VERSION]/dist/NanoMD.js"></script>
<!-- Version 1.6.0-1.7.1 -->
<script src="[VERSION]/dist/PDMarkdownKit.js"></script>
Module version
// Version 1.8.0 and above
import { MDEditor, MDViewer } from "[VERSION]/dist/NanoMD.esm.js";
// Version 1.6.0-1.7.1
import { editor, viewer } from "[VERSION]/dist/PDMarkdownKit.module.js";
// Version 1.5.2 and below
import { editor, viewer } from "[VERSION]/dist/PDMarkdownKit.js";
How to use
Initialize editor
and viewer
// Version 1.8.0 and above
// Unified: MDEditor, MDViewer
// Version 1.7.1 and below
// IIFE: PDMarkdownEditor, PDMarkdownViewer
// ESM: editor, viewer
const domEditor = new MDEditor({
id: "", // Element to replace
defaultContent: "", // Default content to display initially
hotKey: 1, // Enable hotkeys, default: 1
preventRefresh: 0, // Prevent page refresh, default: 0
tabPin: 0, // 1 | 0 | true | false
wrap: 1, // 1 | 0 | true | false
style: {
mode: "", // auto | light | dark, default: auto
fill: 1, // Adjust size to parent element, default: 1
fontFamily: "", // Default: 'Noto Sans TC', sans-serif
showRow: 0, // Show line numbers, default: 1
placeholder: {
text: "Content", // Default: Type here ...
color: "#ff000080" // Default: #0000ff1a
focus: {
backgroundColor: "#ff00001a", // Default: #0000ffff
color: "#ff0000" // Default: #bfbfbf
const domViewer = new MDViewer({
id: "", // Element to replace
emptyContent: "", // Default content when editor is empty
style: {
mode: "", // auto | light | dark, default: auto
fill: "", // Adjust size to parent element, default: 1 | true
fontFamily: "", // Default: 'Noto Sans TC', sans-serif
sync: {
editor: domEditor, // Associated editor
delay: 50, // Update delay in ms, default: 300
scrollSync: 1, // Synchronize scrolling with editor, default: 0 | false
hashtag: {
path: "?keyword=", // Path for hashtags, converting # to links
target: "_blank" // Target for hashtag links, default: _blank
// If no element is specified, the player must be manually added to the DOM
Similar to MIT License but provides obfuscated code only:
- Same as MIT: Free to use, modify and redistribute, including commercial use
- Main difference: Provides obfuscated code by default, source code available for purchase
- License terms: Must retain original copyright notice (same as MIT)
For detailed terms and conditions, please see the Software Usage Agreement.
邱敬幃 Pardn Chiu
- Email:
- Linkedin:
©️ 2023 邱敬幃 Pardn Chiu
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