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AR Surface Detection and Virtual Object Placement in Android Apps

Augmented Reality (AR) has transformed the way we interact with the digital world by integrating virtual elements into our real environment. This powerful technology has wide-ranging applications in gaming, eCommerce, education, and more, with Android being one of the most popular platforms for AR development. In this blog, we’ll dive into how AR surface detection and virtual object placement work on Android, explore the tools needed, and provide a step-by-step guide to creating your own AR app.

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes computer-generated images, sounds, and other data over the real world. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), which creates an entirely simulated environment, AR enhances the user’s surroundings by adding interactive elements, improving user experience, and bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

How Does Mobile Augmented Reality Work?

Mobile AR relies on a combination of sensors, cameras, and software algorithms to detect surfaces, track motion, and understand the environment. ARCore, Google’s platform for building AR experiences, uses various technologies like motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation to anchor digital objects to real-world locations.

Is Augmented Reality Supported by Android?

Yes, Android fully supports Augmented Reality through ARCore. ARCore allows developers to create immersive experiences that blend virtual and physical realities seamlessly. By using advanced machine learning, ARCore tracks the user's environment, detects flat surfaces, and adjusts virtual objects based on lighting conditions. Most modern Android devices support ARCore, making it accessible to a wide user base.

What are the Prerequisites for Creating an AR App on Android?

Before diving into AR app development, there are a few prerequisites developers need to consider:

  • Android Studio: Android’s official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for building apps.

  • ARCore SDK: Google’s software development kit for AR, which provides the tools necessary to create AR experiences on Android.

  • Java or Kotlin Knowledge: Basic programming knowledge is required to create Android apps.

  • ARCore Supported Device: A device that supports ARCore is essential to test the AR functionalities.


  • Install Android Studio.
  • Download the ARCore SDK.
  • Ensure that your Android device is ARCore compatible.
  • Familiarity with Java or Kotlin for Android development.

Getting Started

  1. Set Up Android Studio: Ensure that Android Studio is installed and up to date.

  2. Download and Install ARCore SDK: The ARCore SDK can be installed directly into your Android Studio project via the SDK Manager.

  3. Create a New Project: Start a new project in Android Studio and integrate the ARCore SDK by adding the necessary dependencies in the Gradle file.

Understanding the Code

The core of the AR functionality in an Android app lies in the ability to detect surfaces and place virtual objects. Here’s a breakdown of the main components:

The is the entry point for your AR app. This file will initialize ARCore and handle the environment setup. You’ll need to set up the following:

Session: Create an AR session that manages the AR camera and tracking.
Surface Detection: Use ARCore’s environmental understanding to detect horizontal or vertical surfaces.
Anchor: Once a surface is detected, an anchor point is created to place a virtual object.
`public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private ArFragment arFragment;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    arFragment = (ArFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

    arFragment.setOnTapArPlaneListener((hitResult, plane, motionEvent) -> {
        // Create anchor and place object on detected surface
        Anchor anchor = hitResult.createAnchor();
        placeObject(arFragment, anchor, Uri.parse("model.sfb"));

private void placeObject(ArFragment arFragment, Anchor anchor, Uri model) {
    // Code to place virtual object using ARCore
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


This code handles surface detection, creates an anchor at the detected plane, and allows a virtual object to be placed at the specified location.

How Can I Create Android Augmented Reality Apps?

To create an AR app on Android, you’ll need to follow a few steps:

  1. Set up ARCore: Download and install the ARCore SDK for Android and configure it in Android Studio.

2.Surface Detection: Implement ARCore’s surface detection to identify horizontal and vertical planes in the real world.

3.Anchor Creation: Use ARCore’s motion tracking to anchor virtual objects to the detected surfaces.

4.Virtual Object Placement: Load a 3D model (e.g., in .glb or .sfb format) and place it on the detected surfaces using ARCore’s APIs.

Which Software is Used in Augmented Reality?

For AR development on Android, the key software components include:

  1. Android Studio: The official IDE for Android app development.

  2. ARCore SDK: The core SDK for building AR experiences on Android.

  3. Unity: For more complex AR experiences, developers can use the Unity engine with the ARCore Unity SDK to create immersive AR apps.

  4. Blender: Used to create and edit 3D models that are integrated into AR apps.

What are the Types of Mobile AR?

There are several types of mobile AR experiences, each with different use cases:

Marker-based AR
This type of AR uses specific images or QR codes (markers) to trigger virtual objects. The AR app recognizes the marker and overlays a virtual object on top of it.

Location-based Augmented Reality Apps
Location-based AR utilizes GPS, compass, and accelerometer data to trigger virtual objects based on the user’s location. This type of AR is commonly seen in applications like Pokémon GO.

Markerless AR
Markerless AR detects flat surfaces (planes) in the environment and places virtual objects directly onto them. This is one of the most widely used AR techniques, allowing for more natural and interactive experiences.


AR surface detection and virtual object placement in Android apps are making strides in enhancing user experiences across industries. Whether you're developing an AR game, educational tool, or shopping experience, understanding ARCore and surface detection is crucial to creating immersive applications. With AR becoming more accessible on Android, now is the perfect time to dive into mobile AR development and start creating engaging experiences.

Looking to build your own AR app? Hire Android Developers with experience in ARCore and bring your AR ideas to life!

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