AWS CloudVerse 2025
Explore,connect and Build in the AWS Universe.
Date: 15-Feb-2025
(Click below names for their Linkedin profiles).
Must Follow :
Create a post on Linkedin.
To showcase what you experienced today,Include:
✅️ What you learned today?
✅️ How was the experience at AWS cloudverse 2025
✅️ Picture's of session
✅️ What each speaker taught you?
✅️ Screenshots of what you learned? Etc.
Please Tag AWS user Group Vadodara, Speakers Mr Nilesh Vaghela, Ms Dimple Vaghela, Mr Vrajesh Jayswal. Even Tag Parul University and Management of Parul University like our President - Dr Devanshu Patel sir in your all social media post. Don't miss to post on LinkedIn along with other Social Media handles. #AWSCloudClubParul #AWSUserGroupVadodara #AWSCloudClubPU #CloudFuture Use hashtags #AWSCloudVerse2025 #ExploreConnectBuild #AWSCommunity #ParulUniversity in your LinkedIn and other Social Media Posts.
This will help you the way you showcase your skills and show presence on Linked. It will boost your growth.
LINK TO Aws skill builder
Link to Aws educate.
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