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My first week a.k.a my thirteenth week at Awesomity Lab & Code of Africa's Bootcamp

Today I'd like to talk about my last week at the bootcamp organized by Awesomity Lab in collaboration with Code of Africa, but first of all you maybe wondering why in the title I have said 'My first week at this bootcamp a.k.a the 13th! Well, I was one of developers that attended the 12 weeks first bootcamp there, as this is the 3rd one which is gonna take 6 weeks.

In last 2 weeks I saw a post on Awesomity Lab's LinkedIn page that the bootcamp is back, then I applied because I wanted to comeback to this bootcamp to sharpen one of the technical skills that I didn't use to care too much about during my past years as a developer which is Understanding user stories when building apps. When building apps I did not use to take user stories and their acceptance criteria very seriously and to be honest it impacted my career as a software developer in the past few months because whenever a clients asked me to do something I used to do it in the way I think is good differently to the way they would like it to be without talking to them first at least! and sometimes this disappoints them, it impacted it to the point that today I have to do all the best I can to regain the trust from many of my clients and bosses, so sad, right?

Yeah it is but I'm super lucky and blessed to have Awesomity Lab and Code of Africa! guess what! I'm already good at working with user stories, I know how important they are when building apps for the client, I know that it's very I mean very important to follow them as user wants them to be implemented and I know how to ask questions when there is one of them not clear; all in just one week! it's insane right?

Practicing how to follow user stories when building apps, I have created this kinda atm app just from scratch following tasks and how user wants it to function. If you are a developer you may even would like to take a look at it's source code, right? if that's it then here is the link to it on GitLab.

Well, I have a lot to say but I need to make this as short as possible so it does't bore you, but before I put an end on this post I just wanted to say that this bootcamp has saved my life already. From now on I will have to make sure that I follow what user wants not what I think is good when building their apps and ask them whenever I have queries about what they want.

Thanks for reading!

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