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Cover image for Age of Spaghetti Code
Peter Vivo
Peter Vivo

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Age of Spaghetti Code

I writen this game POC (2015), before I knew about git and js building system, so whole program written in a single JS file 11277 LOC on the final version.

I write not just a code, but the "documentation" also. I found a 1400 LOC single I wrote down my thights, and that part is just a greatest continous "markdown" parts.

Technically this is not just 1 game, but a 2D pixi.js powered CCG and a Three.js powered 3D space station are, where I can even go inside one of spaceship interiour, where is a room with a alien player play this card game around a table.

Suddenly this project ended, when startup ( hired me as graphic designer ) are splited and after finished.

But my coding practice at that time was really simple: I just open my editor: notepad ++, and open program local on browser.

develop / build process:

before age of hot reload

  • write a code
  • ctrl + S : save
  • ctrl + R : refresh the browser

perfect editor setup:

I using following 3 shortkey to navigate in code at lightning fast:

  • alt + left arrow : mark/delete jump point to current line
  • alt + up arrow : jump to previous jump point
  • alt + down arrow : jump to next jump point


I was inserted this to a React -> No Framework series because this is the moment before I was begin to work as React developer.

But the true full series name is:
Z80 -> Flash -> No-Build -> React -> No-Framework

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