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How to Simplify Your Using 'functools'


When building out my first ever full-stack python/react project I came across an interesting conundrum. I knew that I wanted my website to essentially "read only" unless the person navigating through it was a logged in user. Initially I thought I may have to simply conditionally render many components of the website by setting a state for a logged-in user, building a whole lot of ternaries, and so forth, and so forth...

Then, I came across the functools module. This module provides a powerful toolset for functional programming. One of its most commonly used features is the ability to create function decorators, which allow you to modify the behavior of functions without changing their source code. In this blog post, I'll explore how to leverage the functools module to implement the @login_required decorator in an file. By using this decorator, you can easily enforce authentication and authorization checks in your web application.

Implementing the @login-required Decorator

The @login_required decorator will be used to protect routes that require authentication. It will redirect unauthenticated users to the login page and only allow access to authenticated users. Here's an example implementation:

app = Flask(__name__)

def login_required(view_func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if not current_user.is_authenticated:
            return redirect(url_for('login'))
        return view_func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper
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Let's break down the implementation:

  1. The login_required function takes a view_func as an argument, which represents the protected view or route.

  2. The wraps decorator from functools is used to preserve the original function's name, module, and docstring. This is important to maintain compatibility with Flask and other libraries.

  3. Inside the wrapper function, we perform the authentication check. In this example, we assume there is a current_user object that has an is_authenticated property indicating whether the user is logged in.

  4. If the user is not authenticated, we redirect them to the login page using redirect(url_for('login')). Adjust the 'login' route according to your application's route configuration.

  5. If the user is authenticated, we allow the view function to be executed by calling view_func(*args, **kwargs).

  6. Finally, we return the wrapper function, which will replace the original view function when the @login_required decorator is applied.

Using the @login_required Decorator

Now that we have implemented the @login_required decorator, we can apply it to any route that requires authentication. For example:

def dashboard():
    # Protected view code
    return 'Welcome to the dashboard!'
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In this example, the dashboard route is protected by the @login_required decorator. If a user tries to access the /dashboard URL without being authenticated, they will be redirected to the login page. Otherwise, they will be granted access to the protected view.


In this blog post, we explored how to leverage the functools module to implement the @login_required decorator in an file. By using this decorator, you can easily enforce authentication and authorization checks in your web application. The @login_required decorator simplifies the code by centralizing the authentication logic and promoting code reusability. It's a powerful tool that enhances the security and user experience of your Flask-based applications.

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