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Intro Lab: SQL vs NoSQL

Who am I

My name is Louis Persia. I was born and grew up outside of Pittsburgh, and recently came to school here at state college. I am currently a freshman; I am a cybersecurity major and looking to gain knowledge in almost all things computers.

My Tech interests

My interests in software and tech came to me somewhat later in my life. I was first interested in the hardware aspect of computers, as some of my friends were PC gamers. While I never built my own computer, I do plan to when the time and money are right. When looking at the software of a machine, I am very much interested. I am not the best coder, but in my brief experience in python and HTML, I have made some cool things, in my eyes. As I grew older and started to think about a possible career with computer sciences, I kind of caught an attraction to cybersecurity. Being able to safeguard networks and essentially become a hacker, but work the good side, sounds super cool to learn and do, and that's what I hope I can do in my future.

My IT Profession

As of now, I am no professional in any type of IT. Right now, I see myself as some kind of sponge just trying to absorb any type of IT knowledge that will benefit me in my future IT career. As I mentioned before, I am a cybersecurity major and hope to find a job through that, but I am also taking SRA classes to further deepen my knowledge as a quote on quote network protector(I made that up).

What am I doing with this

While having written posts and videos, are assigned, I am using somewhat of a brand to go by when talking about the projects. I created, "The Box" which what I am hopefully trying to provide is more so a place someone can go to look find the right places to go to find IT information. I basically took idea from a "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" episode where bounty hunters are in a box to test their skills as bounty hunters. As they go deeper into it, the stages get harder. With my box, I hope to uncover and go deeper into IT topics, to show people online.

Lab 1: SQL vs noSQL

In this lab, I explain what SQL and noSQL databases are, along with what makes them different, and where the databases work best.

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