Since one month ago, the Omincron epidemic is outbreak and the local cases are increased every day in Taiwan.
To detect the Omincron, the COVID-19 test kit is more and more important. However, the test kit in Taiwan is not cheap enough for people. To solve the above problem, the government decides to expropriate the test kit.
And it can let them be cheap for people to be available to buy. These expropriated test kits will let some pharmacies sell and each pharmacy can get 78 test kits from government every day.
People who have the last number of their ID number is odd can go to the pharmacy and buy the 5 test kits at most on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. And the people who have the last number of their ID number is even can go to the pharmacy and buy the 5 test kits at most on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
To let people realize where pharmacy is available to buy the test kit, I fetch the open data about pharmacy test kits that is generated by Taiwan CDC. And develop the simple website to let people type keywords to search the pharmacy and test kit numbers.
Overview of My Submission
The website is simple, and I use the jQuery to develop the front-end.
Then using the pharmacy test kit data to be the source data and let the jQuery parse the CSV data then present them in the web page finally.
I provide the website for people to browse and the available links are as follows:
Submission Category:
It belongs to the Web2 Wizards category.
Link to Code
- 查詢各藥局快篩試劑的數量 (文字查詢簡易版)
- 感謝 pharmacy 專案讓此網站得以完成:).
Data Source資料來源
Additional Resources / Info
Here are some references are about developing above website:
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