Most pomodoro UI apps these days try to do too much. I am only interested in working for 25 minutes and resting for 5 minutes. And I don't want the interface to stay in the way.
I found Simple CLI Pomodoro timer for macOS | Patrick Loeber and I am capturing the installation and usage here for posterity.
brew install caarlos0/tap/timer
brew install terminal-notifier
Then in your .zshrc
work() {
# usage: work 10m, work 60s etc. Default is 25m
timer "${1:-25m}" && terminal-notifier -message 'Pomodoro'\
-title 'Work Timer is up! Take a Break π'\
-sound Crystal
rest() {
# usage: rest 10m, rest 60s etc. Default is 5m
timer "${1:-5m}" && terminal-notifier -message 'Pomodoro'\
-title 'Break is over! Get back to work π¬'\
-sound Crystal
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