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Nikolaos Dimopoulos for Phalcon PHP Framework

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Phalcon v4.0.1 released

We are very happy to announce the release of v4.0.1 , our first release in 2020!.

Github Tag

We streamed this release live! {: .alert .alert-info }

We started getting a bit more organized :) We have split the work in sprints (usually two week long) and we only pick up work that we can complete within the current sprint.

The work is a combination of bug fixes, enhancements as well as NFRs for both 4.0 and 4.1.


  • Docs update / clarifications
  • Build adjustments (PHP 7.4)
  • Request\Cookie - setcookie
  • Size parameter for DATETIME/TIMESTAMP
  • Query Builder - virtual columns
  • DevTools bugs
  • PECL work
  • Codeception Phalcon 4 module
  • Binaries for macOS - HomeBrew
  • Docs update / clarifications
  • Tests - CLI (all done)
  • Tests - Request\Cookie

also for v4.1

  • JWT support (4.1) (docs needed)
  • Html\Helpers support (4.1) (docs needed)

NOTE : You can always check our roadmap and the status of our active sprint in our project page: {: .alert .alert-info }




  • Changed the logic when logging times for Phalcon\Logger to use DateTimeImmutable so as to handle microseconds if necessary. #2893
  • Changed Phalcon\Http\Cookie::send and Phalcon\Http\Cookie::delete to allow for samesite to be passed in the options when using PHP > 7.3 #14627


  • Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Criteria Di isnโ€™t set when using Criteria::fromInput() #14538
  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql removing unnecessary parentheses for double and float #14645 @pfz
  • Fixed Phalcon\Http\Cookie::delete to parse the correct parameters - cannot use alternative syntax until PHP 7.3 #14643
  • Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model::__isset to take into account non visible properties by checking the getter if it exists #13518 #13900
  • Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model::__set to return a more informative message if we are tying to access a non visible property #13518 #13900
  • Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple::toArray to correctly process virtual fields #14669
  • Fixed Phalcon\Session\Manager::getUniqueKey to prefix the key only if uniqueId is present #14688
  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo::describeColumns to correctly detect ENUM columns #14691


The packages in are being updated (at the time of this post) and will be ready soon. You will need to use the mainline repository to install v4.0.1. You can also download the zip file, as well as DLLs for Windows, from our release page here.

You can also clone the repository and checkout the tag, and then run

zephir fullclean
zephir build

to install the new extension. Detailed installation instructions can be found in our documentation page.

Note: It might take a bit of time for the DEB and RPM packages to be built from when this blog post is published. {: .alert .alert-info }

Thank you

Once again a huge thank you to all of our contributors! You guys have helped us a lot. You can help us even more by installing this version and testing it. If you find bugs, please report them in our Github Issues page. Alternatively you can always join us in our Discord server or our Forum.

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