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Thanh Tien Phat Nguyen
Thanh Tien Phat Nguyen

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How fun to collaborate on Github!

As a part of the learning process, Lab 1 requires us to collaborate with classmates or friends on Github. My Release 0.1 is about creating a CLI that helps indicate if an URL is available.

To be honest, it took me a quite amount of time to google and do my job. Moreover, since the difference in time zone is also a challenge to managed my studies, I am kind of late to the game.

Luckily, there are classmates who are willing to give me a hand to review and test my code. Therefore, I would like to shout out to Alexander Hugh (Supercraft888), and Matthew Ross (matt-ross16), and (c3ho for helping me improve my app.

What I have learned

After finishing Release 0.1 and doing the first lab, they were truly eye openers for me. I have learned

  • How to create a CLI.
  • Basic interaction with git and github.
  • How to write a "appropriate" README file.
  • Most importantly, my app still has many flaws that was helped pointed out by my classmates.

What are those flaws?

  • In README file, I forgot to add "npm link" in the instructor which results others cannot run the command. (Thanks to Alexander Hugh and Matthew Ross).
  • My regEx is off the screen which causes difficulty for others to read (Thanks to Matthew Ross).
  • Logic modification from line 82 - 84 (thanks to c3ho).
  • And other issues that would be found in the future.

In exchange, I also helped review a repo of Alexander Hugh

This is his Release 0.1 and I also found some issues

  • Unknown URLs should be put in different color that that of bad URLs
  • README file should be added "npm link" to help users run commands locally
  • An issues about logic at the line lineWithURLArray = lineArray.filter(line => line.includes("https:") || line.includes("http:") || line.includes("HTTPS:") || line.includes("HTTP:"));


To be honest, I was not an active member to the open source community. This is the first time I have collaborated with others using github. And I have to admit, the feelings of being able to contribute and being help improve are so wholesome. I am more than welcome if any of you is willing to make a collaboration with me. Definite try again.

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