hi there. im new to coding and using Javascript. I am currently using discord.js and node.js to build a bot for my server. in my music module, i have noded it and it comes up with the error message: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules. i have no idea how to fix this as i am new to this coding stuff. any help greatly appreciated (although you may have to go into quite a lot of detail for me to understand). the line of code that i am using that gives me this message is:
try {
const playlist = await youtube.getPlaylist(query);
const videosObj = await playlist.getVideos();
//const videos = Object.entries(videosObj);
for (let i = 0; i < videosObj.length; i++) {
const video = await videosObj[i].fetch();
i do not know how to put it into an async function.
Top comments (2)
never mind. my stepdad is going to look through the whole code and repair it
Did you find a solution? I'm having this same problem and can't seem to figure it out. Thanks in advance!