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Bite-Size Python: String

Python have many, useful functions to work with string. This post I will demonstrate some functions I frequently use.

Let's start!

split : Splitting a string using space as delimiter by default and return a list

>>> paragraph = "Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991."
>>> word_list = paragraph.split()
>>> word_list
# You can change delimiter too 
>>> word_list_split_by_comma = paragraph.split(',')
>>> word_list_split_by_comma
['Python is an interpreted',
 ' high-level',
 ' general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.']

join : Combine list of string to single string with custom delimeter

>>> word_list
>>> "|".join(word_list)
# OR
>>> "|".join(paragraph.split())

Slicing : You can slice string as same as list.

>>> first_25_chars = paragraph[:25]
'Python is an interpreted,'
>>> last_25_chars = paragraph[-25:]
>>> last_25_chars
'd first released in 1991.'
>>> reverse_paragraph = paragraph[::-1]
>>> reverse_paragraph
'.1991 ni desaeler tsrif dna mussoR nav odiuG yb detaerC .egaugnal gnimmargorp esoprup-lareneg ,level-hgih ,deterpretni na si nohtyP'

len & count: string length & counting occurrence sub string

>>> len(paragraph) # This can tell how many index we can use when slicing
>>> paragraph.count("ed")

For fun

Use center to centering your text, with amount of supply width spaces and custom character replacement rather than space.

>>> "TADA!".center(30, "🌈")

Thank you for reading :)


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