There are some portfolio management applications with good features like Delta or BitUniverse, but in reality, I don't think they cover some important features that are essential to track your portfolio across all exchanges.
Every Crypto enthusiast knows that it's difficult to stay in just one exchange when you really get going on the crypto world. There is a big diversity of coins out there and it's almost impossible one exchange to have them all, so everyone has accounts in multiple exchanges and at some point, it starts to get almost impossible to follow all your assets. With this came the idea of portfolio management apps.
As a software developer student, I decided to take upon myself to create a better solution to track my crypto imperium. And so, started to develop the Crypto Imperium app.

Crypto Imperium allows you to track multiple exchanges in just one app.
- Access data relative to the user account (account value, profit, trades, open orders).
- Check market rates and charts (1h, 1d, 7d, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y).
- Check the value, profit and breakeven of each asset you own.
- Set hourly, every 4 hours and daily notifications.
- Daily report of all of your exchanges configured and the global account.
- News about crypto.
- Check the global account value and profit for all exchanges configured with an API key.
- Check the distribution of the portfolio value and profit between exchanges through charts.
- Check the assets owned in all the exchanges and its distribution between exchanges.
In the last update I introduced the possibility to consult your global account across all exchanges that you have an API key configured in the app. Is possible to use the app without configure API keys, but it stops to be a portfolio management app and becomes an app to consult market prices, news and receive notifications.
Here you have some screenshots of the app:

NOTE: All the values in the pictures are example values.
If you are curious about the app you can download it here:
The Crypto Imperium is still in early stages, so every feedback is important at this stage. You can give me your feedback through:
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