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Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v5

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Riccardo Bernardini

Hi there!

I was born (in a CS sense) in the '80s using FORTRAN at school and Basic on a Spectrum at home (yes, I am that old! :-)).

Now I work in the field of DSP and programming for me is more a tool/hobby rather than a job. Since I am quite curious, I used several languages, sometimes for the fun of it, sometimes because I needed them (the distinction has not always been clear :-).

Currently I use Ruby (for fast-and-dirty stuff), matlab/octave (for number crunching) and Ada (for long-lived and complex software). I want to learn to do formal checking with SPARK (a subset of Ada, nothing to do with Apache).

[ Yes, I program in Ada, I know I am kind of an oddball... ;-) ]

As many other Ada programmers, I have a soft spot for software correctness and my heart sinks when I hear about security holes due to buffer overflows and other bugs.

Why am I here? As I said, I am curious and this looks like a nice place. I searched the hashtag #ada but got 0 posts... Hmmm... Maybe I can change that :-) I just hope someone is interested :-)