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Welcome Thread - v5

Hey there! Welcome to!

Pusheen Hi

The last introduction thread got so many more introductions! Also, awesome that y'all are talking to each other.

Here are some basic guidelines:

  1. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. Γ°ΕΈβ€˜β€Ή

  2. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself to the community! You can talk about a project you've worked on, some advice for someone else (or your future self), or what you're looking for here on

Let's do it!

Top comments (304)

airbrake profile image

Hey folks,

Airbrake here! We're an error monitoring tool that you should definitely try if you don't already have one. There. Now the shameless plug is out of the way.

We're excited to hop on to and share some of the posts coming out of our blog. We'll mostly be using to share content we think offers helpful advice for IT management, but we also write a ton of stuff for beginners. You can find all of it at

Eager to hear your thoughts on our writing and read what everyone else is publishing!

Have a swell rest of your Thursday.

seph_joe_ profile image


martindolan profile image
Marty O'Connor

Hello! I'm Marty.

I've been toying with the idea of writing an article for a while. I'd like to find a way to translate the topics I'm currently studying into something immediately useful, and I've read that the act of teaching or explaining something is a great way to solidify new knowledge.

I've always held back thanks to a fear that I don't have the "authority" to say very much in this field, but a little voice in my head knows that that's not really a requirement in order to contribute something useful to this community. I'm hoping that by signing up for this site and introducing myself, I'll have moved one step closer to reaching my goal of publishing my first article. Cheers!

son1112 profile image
Anderson Reinkordt

Welcome Marty!

I understand that fear very well! Up until a few months ago, I had daily impostor syndrome and it still nags me now and again.

I just try to remember that the teaching model that we were likely raised by, whereby the facade of top-down education taught us that we could not teach without perfection, is not a true representation of how we learn.

We were trained to think that the teacher and the learner are separated, the teacher passing something to the learner and nothing to him/her self. The act of teaching seemed as an activity that only happens during certain times of day.

The reality, fortunately, is that the teacher and the learner are the same and it is happening all of the time. To teach IS to learn.

At this point in my commenting, a related fear of mine pops in mind to say, "Now, listen to you, all arrogant-like, trying to 'advise' this person. Who do you think you are!? Just delete this and don't embarrass yourself." And I could respond with submission and give in to that fear; retract my sharing. I could respond with aggression and an attempt to shut down my fear, to tell it to shut up. OR I could surrender to the process of allowing myself to learn by doing.

Submitting or shutting myself down means that I won't communicate, my own learning is stifled and I offer nothing to anyone else. I can do those things. I have made those choices many times. BUT, right now, I am choosing to allow myself the possibility of making a mistake in communication, for the sake of creating the opportunity to learn. If my aim is to teach only, I will not learn. If I aim to learn only what an "expert" possesses, I will never teach. However, when I share my experiences and engage with others in the process, the fear weakens, knowledge and understanding is developed and joy follows.

Anyway, I hope this long-winded thought helps you to develop your first article! :D

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Welcome, Marty! I'm excited to read that first article.

I'm glad that the "little voice" of encouragement is already there. I think that one of the most destructive misconceptions that stops people from publishing articles is the false belief that you have to be an expert to write a worthwhile article.

I've learned so much from junior/intermediate developers sharing their realizations and experiences. They're often written in a much more approachable manner, step-by-step, without assuming existing knowledge.


martindolan profile image
Marty O'Connor

Thanks for that, Peter! Cheers!

ctharp11 profile image
Cameron Tharp

Hey Marty. I understand about the fear of writing and posting your first article. I'm in the same position. I'm transitioning from a career as a teacher into tech, and so I've been putting in a lot of work to learn the tools of the trade.

For me, the most helpful articles have been short 'how tos' on doing pretty specific things, such as user authentication with Passport and Sequelize, how to set up a MongoDB database, getting into your project, etc.

I'm not sure what your direction was for your article, but just putting out there what I like to see!

Anyways, good luck!

soohoowoohoo profile image
Stephen SooHoo

Hi Marty, I'm sure you'll do well just believe in yourself!

bmf profile image

Hello Marty!

lumie31 profile image

Hey Marty, Welcome to this space and I look forward to reading articles/information you post here soon. Cheers!!!

tluanga34 profile image


deannaswallow profile image
Deanna Swallow

Greetings all! My name is Deanna, and I have a loop running in my head that says "you know nothing, Jon Snow!" In that scenario, I'm Jon Snow. Just to be clear.

I know that I've learned a ton in the last few months, but I still struggle like crazy with pretty much everything. It's always interesting to go back a few assignments, though. Once I move on a bit, I look at those older ones and think "wow, I totally get it now. I wonder why it didn't click earlier?" That's what keeps me going: knowing that it will eventually click, albeit not as fast I'd prefer.

Here's to everyone giving each other a hand!

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Hey! I'm Ali!

I have been writing a blog on how I learn new things as a developer, and I think I'm going to port that blog here because the community seems great and Markdown support is a gamechanger.

I teach people how to code at General Assembly, which I love. I have quite a bit of experience teaching fullstack JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. I have also done work in C++ and Java.

Right now I'm really into front-end work. This is the first time in my career I've had time to really hone in those skills, and I really like the artistic side of development.

Before that, my job was somewhere in between full stack web dev and data science -- it was a ton of fun too, but I really love the social-ness of teaching.

I'm also trying to talk at more conferences and meetups, so if anybody needs a speaker or teacher, reach out!

My #1 tip for people starting out is to find what part of development you love and then get really good at it. Writing code can be something different for everybody, and that's my favorite part of it. Really artistic people can work on animations and design-oriented CSS, mathematical people can do amazing things with data science, problem solvers can be great software architects or debuggers, musicians can do a ton with sounds on the web, etc! Find your niche and run with it, because you will be so much more likely to want to spend time developing yourself professionally and your enthusiasm will show!

I am super excited to be part of this community, and my first post is up!

jess profile image
Jess Lee



What's GA teaching these days? When I went through WDI, it was Ruby/Sinatra, Rails, Angular & Node.

I feel like @sirjessthebrave would have the intel on any DC meetups that need speakers!

sirjessthebrave profile image
Jessica Bell

Sorry for the late reply - I was on a glorious no tech vacation in Japan for 2 weeks!! Yah I have the low down on some of the DC tech meetups - what kind of stuff are you looking for Ali?

Thread Thread
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Hey! That's awesome - sounds like a lot of fun! I am pretty into front-end and portfolio stuff right now, but I used to be primarily back-end, so I'm decent with that stuff too! My primary stack is React/Vue/Vanilla JS with Node/Python backend. Thank you so much!

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Thanks!!!! πŸ‘‹

We do Rails/Node/Express/React + a tiny bit of Python right now! It's a ton of fun. Awesome to hear from previous WDI people! What campus did you go through?

Thread Thread
jess profile image
Jess Lee

New York! Let me know if you're ever visiting and want to grab a β˜•οΈ / 🍡 / 🍻!

minhyeokchung profile image


rachelnabors profile image
Rachel Nabors

Hi there. I'm Rachel. After taking a five year walkabout where I wrote a book on UI animation (Animation at Work with A Book Apart: ), wrote API docs and did some fun tooling projects with browsers like Firefox, I'm looking at getting back into my frontend dev rootsβ€”or specifically, digging into the heart of programming. I'm surrounded by some inspiring people I can't wait to learn from!

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hi Rachel! Nice to meed you!)

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Welcome! I always find it hard to work on my frontend skills, mostly because I don't know where the resources are. Any specific resources you use/are using to improve your frontend dev skills?

rachelnabors profile image
Rachel Nabors

I'm using a lot of the courses from Frontend Masters and books like Grokking Algorithms :)

0x8c profile image

Welcome aboard Rachel! Front-end is πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ though the back-end is nice too. πŸ˜‰

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

So awesome to have you onboard Rachel.

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey, there!

I am a full-stack JavaScript expert with almost 10 years of experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software house in Belarus. Here I’m responsible for technical consulting, negotiating with customers, and managing our team.

Being an active contributor to open source development, I’m proud that many of our company’s products have a lot of stars on GitHub. So, I’m going to create my own blog on this amazing platform and share experience with you.

Also, I will be glad to discuss technical issues and exchange ideas. Hope, I will become a great part of this community.)

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva

Hey, nice to meet you!

malloc007 profile image
Ryota Murakami • Edited

Hello! I'm Ryota Murakami.

I work as a Front End Developer, who like React, React OSS community, and especally fan of redux, also Dan Abramov(redux author).

I've been learning workflow, architecture, testing of React Based Application. There is a long way to go...

Thank you so much :D

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey! I'm a front-end developer and I also enjoy React, Redux, and React community. With a 9-year experience in building React and JS applications, I'm also an active open-source contributor. Nice to meet you!

malloc007 profile image
Ryota Murakami

Hello! Nice to meet you!

prabhatpathania profile image
Prabhat Singh Pathania

Welcome here! :D

malloc007 profile image
Ryota Murakami • Edited

Thx for your reply(Β΄βˆ€ο½€)

vicivancg profile image
Victor Ivan Cross


I'm VΓ­ctor, I'm a software developer and I've got something to say; is such a great thing, I do not only love coding, I find the "world" around it truly fascinating.

I'm glad to be part of a nice community, thanks mates.

vaeshkar profile image
Dennis van Leeuwen

It got me excited. Gonna see around and discover this "world" @

ndiecodes profile image
Ndifreke Friday

Hi Devs, I always wanted a account, now I have one, yay!
Its gonna be fun

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Woohoo! Welcome!

ndiecodes profile image
Ndifreke Friday

tanx man

0x8c profile image

Welcome, Nddy!

dellward profile image
Dell Ward • Edited

ayyye. welcome, i feel the same way.

recursivefaults profile image
Ryan Latta

Hey all, I'm Ryan. Been a developer for nearly a decade, and an agile coach for around 4. I have a weakness for helping other developers navigate the weird career they've chosen and building better teams.

I've worked for startups, investment banks, educational tech companies, advertising, food service, shipping and logistics, and non-profits.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

That's a lot of experience. Any preference of startup to big company or preference of industry after all that?

Do you still do a lot of development or are you more focused on the agile coach part? If so, what's the reason for the switch? Asking as a budding developer. :)

recursivefaults profile image
Ryan Latta

Lot of questions!

I really love the passion and energy that comes with working at a start up. I don't like how unhealthy it tends to get with lack of pay, benefits, or the idea that you have to work to death to be successful. Large companies are slower and more stable, but it allows a great opportunity to sharpen your skills.

As for the agile thing, well, I believe its my calling. The people I've worked with over the years that have been able to experience agility as it aspires to be describe it as the best experience of their career. I'd like to focus on giving people that kind of fulfillment over writing some code.

lens_kamdem profile image

Hi! I'm Lens.
I wish to have a full stack development skills. I am currently working on a project to build a artificial personal assistant that helps people to manage basic activities,helps in time & daily management and help people do the tasks they want and need to do (get work done).
I am very happy to exchange and learn from professional engineers like you guys!

0x8c profile image

Hi Lens! Welcome.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


dcn49 profile image
Dan C.

String myName = "Dan";
String communityName = "";
String myCountry = "Namibia";
String myStudies = "Computer Science";

System.out.println("Hello "+communityName+" I'm "+myName+". Glad to be here :-D");
System.out.println("I hail from "+myContry);
System.out.println("I study "+myStudies);
System.out.println("I'm glad to be here!");

prabhatpathania profile image
Prabhat Singh Pathania

Hello, I am Prabhat.

I work on SAP ERP solutions, giving the existing application new user experience with SAP Fiori framework.
I use SAPUI5 library for UI development.
Though most of my development work is not on open source technologies, I have a keen interest in learning new frameworks with add as an innovation, like the hover feature on itself and the offline page.

I am very excited to learn more.


pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini

Hi! Welcome aboard!

robgev profile image

Hello, I'm Robert.

I am currently doing React/RN in SoloLearn and simultaneously majoring in Computer Science in American University of Armenia. I am trying to expand my knowledge as much as possible, as I am 18 yrs old and have a lot to learn. The articles I may write will usually be about the hardships and solutions on some problems I encounter while developing React/RN apps. Some of them come from documentation not being fresh or wrong, or some hacky solutions in certain cases, better patterns and architecture and best practices.

P.S. I love such communities and looking forward to write some articles. I still fear I am not good enough to talk about best practices and stuff but I will try my best :)

bo0km4n profile image

Hello I'm KK

I'm a Japanese college student and I usually study about computer science and wireless sensor network.
But wireless sensor network is not uninteresting...
I want to study about system programming or software engineering.

I love golang and making libraries, cli.
And I want to contribute to golang or famous golang's package.
If there are developers of golang or golang's library in this place please get along with me.
Thank you.

tonyschmidt profile image

Welcome to, fellow gopher!

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Welcome to!

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