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JS Objects: Destructure, Rename, & Default all in 1 Line

Suppose we have objects car and motorcycle defined as follows:

const car = {
  make: "Tesla",
  weight: 3500

const motorcycle = {
  make: "Harley",
  registered_to: "John Smith"
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From the Object car, we can extract the value "Tesla" under the key make, and assign it to local variable make like so:

let { make } = car;
console.log(make); // prints "Tesla"
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But note that the syntax { make } under the hood is actually shorthand for { make: make }. Which leads us to...


What if we want to take the value of "Tesla" under the key make, but assign it to a different variable, say manufacturer?

let { make: manufacturer } = car;
console.log(manufacturer); // prints "Tesla"
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From our definition of the motorcycle object, notice how there was no weight key-value pair defined. What if we were to try to assign a default value of 1000 to the motorcycle's weight, and assign it as the weight variable?

let { weight = 1000 } = motorcycle;
console.log(weight); // prints 1000
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But if weight was defined like in the car object, we are simply doing a destructure on car.

let { weight = 1000 } = car;
console.log(weight); // prints 3500
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Now, suppose we want to take car and motorcycle's registered_to values, and store them in a variable owner, and to have the value default to "Jane Doe" if the key is missing. We can combine all 3 above techniques together in one line.

let { registered_to: owner = "Jane Doe" } = car;
console.log(owner); // prints "John Doe"

let { registered_to: owner = "Jane Doe" } = motorcycle;
console.log(owner); // prints "John Smith"
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I hope this helps. I believe these one-liner approaches are what we call syntactic sugar. Please practice clean and readable code when applicable.

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