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Phyllis Kan
Phyllis Kan

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Hoisting in Js

What is Hoisting?

When we look up what is hoisting in JS, we will be most likely to get this explanation:
*behavior of moving declarations of variable and function to the top of their current scope. *

what does that mean?

In JS, there is two phases of hoisting:

  1. It is going to scan for all of the declared variable and function when the program runs from top all the way through the end and put them into the memory of Lexical Scope.
  2. It is going to start implement the these variable and function from the top, execute them line by line, since these functions and variable have already been created in the memory.

Difference Between let and var in Hoisting

So lets see how hoisting work in let and var :

For var variable:

console.log(num); //output 'undefined'
var num = 10

why is it undefined when we are expecting the number 10?

It is because JS hoist only hoist the declaration, not their assignment which is the value.
So when num is called in the console.log, the lexical scope will only initialize it with undefined. And when the execution reached where the assignment is done, it'll then update the value to 10.

Where for let variable:

console.log(num); // ReferenceError: num is not defined
let num = 10;

why the num is 'not' defined instead of undefined like var?

All declarations with function, var, let, ...etc are hoisted in JS, but only var is initialized with undefined in lexical scope, while let remains uninitialized and it will only to be initialized when their lexical assignment is evaluated during the runtime by the JavaScript engine. Which means it cannot access the variable before it is assigned to a value at where it was declared in the code.

Blog post moved from my Learn blog

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