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Phyllis Kan
Phyllis Kan

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Props vs State in React

Trying to differentiate state and prop would be one of the most conceptually confusing for beginners in React, so I break it down into points.


  • Components receive data from outside the component with props.

  • Are what we use to pass data between our components in React which it only goes from parent to child component. So components receive data from parent component with props.

  • Props can be anything. they can be strings, arrays, objects, functions, etc. Callback function can also be passed as prop to initiate it’s state changes(updating state) from the child component.

  • One limit to props is that it is immutable, meaning you shouldn’t ever directly change the value of props.


  • Components can create and manage their own local state

  • State is mutable

  • When state changes, it trigger updates in components

  • Great thing about state is that it’ll only update part of the app component that is influence by the data changes instead of updating the whole app.

  • State should not be modified directly, but it can be modified with a special method called setState (Class Component) OR using React hook (Functional Component)

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