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Pavol Z. Kutaj
Pavol Z. Kutaj

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Explaining (the need for) SQL's Common Table Expressions (CTE)


The concern is documenting the use of COMMON TABLE EXPRESSIONS as used repeatedly in Redash when creating monitoring queries / reports. Also, I ran into the order of SQL operations learning that you cannot filter a derived column in the same statement where it is defined.

1. what is CTE

  • A CTE (Common Table Expression) is TEMPORARY RESULT SET
  • You can reference within another SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement
  • i.e. you can build it and use in later query
  • used in more complex queries
  • they are EXPRESSIONS, i.e. they always return a value

2. syntax

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3. benefits

  • easy to learn
  • code readibility
  • named query gives you info about query results
  • readable SQL is a big help to others and to you after 2 months
  • modularity
  • copy-pastable, re-usable
  • CTEs can be pasted together
  • better matches how you think about data analysis
  • Common Table Expressions (CTE) are often used to reduce the complexity of SQL queries.
  • Sometimes, CTEs are not just a refactoring technique; they are necessary if you want to filter on a derived column.

Sometimes, CTE is a necessity - not just a refactoring technique

select player_name,
       case when year ='SR' then 'yes'
       else null
       end as "is_a_senior"
from benn.college_football_players
where is_a_senior = "yes"
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  • That returnes an error column "is_a_senior" does not exist occurs when referencing a derived column in the WHERE clause.
  • It is because the order of SQL query processing:
    1. FROM
    2. WHERE
    3. GROUP BY
    4. HAVING
    5. SELECT
    6. ORDER BY
  • The WHERE clause is evaluated before the SELECT clause, causing the derived column alias (is_a_senior) to be unavailable in the WHERE clause.
  • The simple solution using Common Table Expressions (CTE) (there may be others) is as follows:
WITH player_data AS (
    SELECT player_name,
           CASE WHEN year = 'SR' THEN 'yes'
                ELSE null
           END AS is_a_senior
    FROM benn.college_football_players
SELECT player_name,
FROM player_data
WHERE is_a_senior = 'yes';
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4. sources


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