Google is dead, and I don't mean that as "an analogy", I literally mean dead. I just wrote about APPL going belly up yesterday, so it might be easy to dismiss me as just another fruitcake conspiracy theorist - But everyone who knows anything about software and business already agrees with me.
According to this article, we already know the reason. Apparently Google employees prompt engineered Gemini so hard the model is beyond salvaging. Basically, their own RHLF team would sit behind their keyboards, and every single time a white guy was somehow mentioned in its response, spoken positively about in anyways what so ever, their employees would go "naah, this is white privilege" - Until their own AI model was so blatantly racist against white people that it would literally be incapable of understanding the difference between Elon Musk and Adolf Hitler, and respond with black soldiers wearing Waffen SS helmets as "examples of Nazi soldiers". All in the name of diversity. The irony.
Above is Google Gemini's idea of a Nazi soldier. Regardless of what you think about white privilege, the above image is just so wrong, on so many levels. And no, I am not referring to the erronously rendered swastika.
It's unfixable
The paradox is that the way AI training works, this is literally impossible to fix without destroying Gemini. "Fixing Gemini" at this point, implies they'll have to either reduce its "IQ" by 50% through prompt engineering, or start all over again and train a new model. Considering it took them 14 months to create Gemini in the first place, implies they'll be incapable of delivering anything remotely close to OpenAI's models for yet another 2 years.
Google's woke psychosis gave OpenAI yet another 2 year head start
Of course, if they start all over again, the result will be the same, because the "woke schizoids" responsible for destroying Gemini in the first place will be the ones who're to apply RHLF on the new and improved model. "Fixing Google" at this point basically implies firing every single employee working for GOOG, and hire replacements that are not suffering from the woke psychosis, and start all over again, re-creating all of its current products - This time without "woke politics" dictating the agenda - Something which of course is impossible.
It's all about "woke"
Wokeness started as a counter-weight for white privilege. Originally it had a lot going for it. White privilege is a problem, and racism is real. A "woke" human is typically a white human being, trying to make up for his ancestors sins, by balancing the scale the other way. It's a noble cause, and driven by idealism, that's to some extent justified.
From an idealistic point of view, I can definitely agree with a lot of the stuff "the woke movement" is trying to achieve. However, it's long since moved into fruitcake land, where it's turned into a parody of itself, a militant movement, where even hinting towards the fact that Mother Theresa was in fact Caucasian is considered "a sin".
A couple of months ago Google employees got an email from their managers telling them to avoid saying "all hands", since it was considered insensitive towards those without hands. The snowflakes at Google have now managed to accomplish what the rest of Nasdaq unsuccessfully tried to do for two decades; Destroy Google.
The Communist Manifesto
I'm from Norway, and I've got a curiosity for history you can safely label as "above average". In Norway communists weren't persecuted the same way they were in McCarthy's USA, so they would play more openly.
The smartest thing Norwegian communists did in the 70s and 80s was to infiltrate society. They would refer to this process as "self proletarism". The idea was that communists would chose jobs that somehow allowed them to influence society, to such change the trajectory of society, and slowly over time implement communism as a consequence of communists being in every key position of society.
Because of this process, it's now almost impossible to find a Norwegian priest who is actually not an atheist. Basically, atheist communists would study to become priests, and start working as priests, to implement atheism as the dominant religious belief in society. Atheism of course, was a pre-requisite for being a Norwegian communist. The idea was to destroy religion from within, and use priesthood as the means to preach communism. Ignoring the parallels to Jonestown, this is just so wrong, regardless of what your personal beliefs are.
Google is now "infected by woke", the same way Norway is "infected by communism", and it's beyond the point of no return. Fixing Google implies firing every single employee in the organisation, and start all over again. This of course is impossible, so Google will simply slowly over time loose out to the alternatives, where OpenAI is just one example.
What's this got to do with you?
If you're a young software developer entrepreneur today, opportunities have never been better. When a huge tree collapses in the rain forrest, sunlight reaches the ground level, allowing for new seeds to take root, and grow from the energy provided by the sun.
This implies that if you've got an entrepreneur inside of you waiting to burst out, all you need to do to succeed, is to choose something Google does, and run with it. Competing with Google today has never been easier - Simply because everything Google touches inevitably turns to sjit. 100,000 Google employees, suffering from a mass psychosis, simply cannot, not even in theory, compete with one single (sane) human being.
To succeed as a software developer entrepreneur today, the recipe below will be a close to success guarantee.
- Choose something Google does
- Copy it
- Work like crazy
- Catching!
Because, even though the world is arguably saturated with great products, there have literally never been better opportunities out there for those looking to make a killing!
Just please do me a favour, and don't hire people suffering from a mass psychosis once you succeed. And be nice to those suffering, they can't help it in the end, and they need our understanding and empathy ...
...because black vikings and black Nazis are not a bug, it's a mental disorder, that unfortunately infected the largest software company on the planet!
Top comments (15)
The funny thing is I would have expected Apple to die this way (well, we haven't seen their ai yet... ;).
There is a sequence of events that suggest Abbie Hoffman (yes, "that" Abbie Hoffman) is indirectly the true founder of Apple computers!
It is from Abbie we got Yippies, who fissioned off into the first true counter-culture of early woke techsters known as Yipl (Youth International Party Line). Yipl basically were phone hackers who discovered and shared info on bell test lines that acted as free-to-call party loop lines. Sticking it to the man came to mean free telephone chats...
From Yipl we got tap, or the "Technical Assistence Program." Some having fun referred to it as the "Technological American Party", and anyway Steve Wozniak was an early participant in that. They produced a newsletter that was very influential in the tech community on how to do things like impersonate a bell line man, how to make a red box, etc. I was a "telephone hobbyist" since around 10, and even still have an old dog eared Bell Security manual from that era. Know your enemy, as they say ;).
The very idea of tap as a "political organization", and one presumed hostile to American business interests, as well as the distant connection to Abbie Hoffman, was enough to get their publication office in NYC raided by the Nixon era FBI as a hostile political organization, too ;).
So Apple has a long and rather strange twist to its origin story you won't sadly get to hear about anywhere else...
Wow, I had no idea. I've (obviously) seen the scene where Steve (Jobs) trips on acid, and sees himself as "the conductor of people applying a 'ding' in the universe" - But I had no idea he was so heavily invested in the counter culture.
When that's said, back in these days, the counter culture was (for the most parts) the good guys. Nothing wrong in protesting the Vietnam War, or any other aggressive occupational wars for that matter - And (obviously) both Nixon, McCarthy, and Hover were fascist psychopaths, with more blood on their hands than most people are able to even comprehend. I'm (also) guilty at protesting against wars myself in my teens.
There's a loooooong way from that to making it "illegal" to refer to babies by their biological sex before they're able to speak, and thereby "choosing a sex", or violently bashing non-veggies to death in an attempt at trying to "save the animals", or (true story) propose we "eat our children to save the earth from carbon dioxide". (seriously, the last example is a true story)
Protesting wars is a political statement and covered by our rights to protest and demonstrate. The rest is a mental disorder requiring medical intervention and some serious psychological help.
The paradox is, that by labelling such things as "political statements" we legitimise it, when it's actually got zero to do with politics, but everything to do with psychiatry ...
I might not be the sanest person on earth myself, but I can clearly see how it's wrong to digest human babies in an attempt at reducing our CO2 emission ...
By all means, I'm willing to help out with the CO2 problem, and I'd love to do my part - But if anyone of these fruitcakes from "the extinction movement" comes closer to my yard than 500 meters, I'll reach for my baseball bat just to be on the safe side ...
Indeed, how we got to where we are now is hard to fathom. The trippiest yippies of that time I do not think would find it normal to prevent children from developing because they didn't get to "chose" their gender yet. Of course Scooby Do was the show from that culture, just as it is clear He Man was the gayest thing ever put on television from a later cultural movement. But that was fine, and also fails to explain this present moment.
Instead, I often think of a more recent movie. Idiocracy. It was simply meant as a comedy, not a warning. But who knew it would come true, and so soon, too!
1984 was also a warning, and not a recipe. Just sayin' ..
The thing is, you put crazy people together, isolate them in some ivory tower, then cognitive resonance will strengthen their madness, until it's so loud the glass breaks, similarly to how sound breaks a wine glass if loud enough - At which point their bubble bursts, and they're forced to confront the real world, outside of their own mass psychotic bubble. In a weird way, there's comfort in that knowledge ...
Okay, that does bring us back to Google, too... FB is perhaps even more so given they have employee dorms and a completely isolated "village" campus in the middle of Mountainview, too.
The goal of HR in these large companies is mostly to find people that will "fit in". Hence, if you already have crazies running loose in the asylum, your HR is destined to hire even more crazies.
Yes but in the end, money rules these companies, which in a weird way becomes comforting at this point. Since inevitably, at some point, their owners are gonna go; "WTF" and start putting down demands for changes.
This is the point where "the glass breaks" - That point is now I suspect ...
Indeed, by comparison, in academia there is no outer constraint at all, and the bizarre can fully metastasize.
There was a time that for many people the glass broke when you left home at 18 ;).
I assume they would have made snapshots during this learning process but it's funny to think they actually don't and need to re-do everything to give more sense to the "GO WOKE GO BROKE" which has proven to be true, much more than the official parlament communicates (of any country btw) 😂
Well, I agree, and they've probably got snapshots of the vanilla version. But it's anyways a massive amount of work. Falling behind on this now is anyways a disaster, ignoring the hit their reputation will inevitably have taken.
How can anyone possibly trust them after such a blunder ...
Etc, etc, etc. The arguments just keeps on piling up if you think about it, which is probably why their evaluation took a 90 BILLION (!!) hit when Gemini was launched, being the second largest loss in the history of stocks, only surpassed by the launch of their previous AI garbage, that shaved 110 billions of their market cap.
A couple of more AI launches now, and you can buy the entire company for a couple of pennies ... 🤪
😂 we'll see, if you think it, Google has lost an equivalent value of what Disney is worth lol
Or the gross national product of most medium sized nations 🤪
This seems a sign of reaching peak artificial idiocy, too ;).
Indeed, there is also a deep divide between the labor force and corporate culture google somehow "fostered" and what google actually does. Google had always been a key player in the US intelligence and warfighting communities, for example. Drone strikes? Mercenary missions? They all used google created software to prepare maps and workflows at the NG(I)A (National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, they like to hide the "I" though ;).
Google software kills people! I emphasize because it highlights this deep divergence between the corporate board and the veggie burger fired pacifists they hired. It also touches upon deep deception and general divergence in the modern SV VC community (hint, much of it is cia, much of it is kept secret, too) and the people who do work in the valley.
My own issue is actually with the deception rather than the mission per say. I do not like being lied to or deceived to produce something.
Lol 😂
I'd love to comment on the rest of your stuff, however I'd like to keep my account, and my freedoms more 🤪
However, yes ... 😞
I know I can sometimes produce an interesting quote.
Of course this is how I would define the end of my SV VC experiences, and yes, to talk more might bring out the dark sedan crowd faster than hosting a Jovial user group meeting ;).
I adore that movie ^_^