The system is rigged. If you have two startups with competing products, and one has inferior technology but is seed funded by YCombinator, the one with seed funds from YCombinator will win. I could give you a "bajillion" additional examples of systemic corruption, but I suspect you already understand what I'm talking about.
Free enterprise and fair competition is the laughing joke of the millennium. "The establishment" will happily share whatever spoils they're able to steal from you with each other, ensuring inferior products wins, by using their monopolistic powers, making sure whatever competing products exists out there never gets the light of day.
Unless you're funded by a triple A VC fund with ties to Silicon Valley, you'll never create a successful company. They're controlling "the word" and hence nobody hears about you unless they allow for it.
Hence, in order to get what I deserve, I will first have to destroy the system in its entirety. I'm therefor open source licensing our Oracle Machine to such destroy the business value of the following companies and organisations:
- WikiPedia
- StackOverflow
- YCombinator
- Feel free to fill in the blanks ...
The idea is to apply as much damage as possible to the above organisations, making them irrelevant, using any constructive means within my reach, such that free enterprise and innovation without corruption can once again flourish. Hopefully by open source licensing our Oracle Machine, I can apply a lot of damage to all of the above organisations and companies. You can find our repositories below;
- Oracle Machine Backend
- Oracle Machine Frontend
- WTF is the Oracle Machine 1
- WTF is the Oracle Machine 2
The value proposition
If used intelligently, the Oracle Machine can provide a small startup with a single employee "infinite" access to high quality content, articles that scores high on SEO, providing you with high quality backlinks to your website. This allows you as an entrepreneur to focus on creating great products, while spending only 5 minutes per day on marketing. Basically ...
Destroying Google, WikiPedia, StackOverflow and YCombinator in one smash 😁
If used intelligently, it will allow your original website to score highly on all SEO parameters, and such "pillage the SERP for your keywords", making publications such as News YCombinator and other corrupt silicon valley publishing houses irrelevant.
You'll still need to understand SEO and have some basic theoretical knowledge of how search engines works, and I suspect you're smart if you hide the fact that you're using the Oracle Machine somehow, by for instance integrating it with your existing website or something. But if you use it carefully, and restrict yourself to your chosen keywords, within your existing niche, and don't produce more than 5 articles per day - You can "balance the scale of innovation" making value propositions provided by YCombinator and other corrupt VC organisations become 100% irrelevant.
It equalises the playing field!
@YCombinator: I warned you!
Start paying me, or I will turn your temples of worship into dust - One line of code at the time! 😁
Top comments (1)
Might be slightly controversial, but I love this! Let's cheer on the underdogs