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Pooja Mansukhani πŸ’»
Pooja Mansukhani πŸ’»

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Accept your mistakes!

Hey People!
Are you doing a job?
Are you able to accept your mistakes?
If yes, then it's quite good, it will help you to grow asap.
People who don't accept their mistakes and blame other persons or give some excuses like -

1) He/she is older they won't get it.
2) My colleagues/friends/boss isn't worth it, they won't help me.
3) Why should I ask someone junior/senior to me (our ego).
4) let it be I'll do it later.
5) If I asked him/her/them what will they think about me.

Just tell your brain "STOP GIVING EXCUSES START WORKING ON YOUR MISTAKES" that would be much better.
Trust me, these things will show your attitude towards the things. Our official nature should be always good and positive. As you are spending a lot of time with your colleagues, yes sometimes there is a lot of misuse, misunderstandings, and problems for these things. But if you are correct on your side nothing will have an impact on you. Truth always wins.l
Stay positive in every situation, whatever it is don't leave your kindness, truth. There are the possibilities that you may get failure somewhere in your path but just because of this don't let yourself down, also you'll be noticed by this attitude towards others and definitely, people will give you a different position in their eyes and heads, people will respect this positive attitude.

I always follow these things and try that everyone around me does that it helps me in my workaholic life. If I do some mistakes I will accept in front of everyone without any fear, I know it's difficult. But if I didn't do that then simply I have to put it on someone else which is not correct right? But I can work on this and make it better in any way I can.

You should learn from your juniors & senior too. You must have heard that sometimes children teach us a good lesson.

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