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Evolution of Web 1.0 to 3.0


World Wide Web is the primary tool used by billions of people to share, read, and write information to interact with other people via internet. In this Blog, we will learn how the web is evolving from the static web in Web 1.0, and the dynamic participatory Web 2.0, the internet is entering it’s next large-scale iteration. We will look back at how the web has evolved, where it’s going next, and why this matters.

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Web 1.0:

Web 1.0 also can be referred as syntactic we or read only web. The users have access to only read the content or information from web. Only static websites and personal sites are in use in web 1.0. Web 1.0 lasted approximately from 1991 to 2004.

Web 2.0:

The Web 2.0 also referred as Social Web or read-write web.
Web 2.0 provides interaction between web users and communicate with other users. In Web 2.0 every user can be a content producers and content is distributed and shared between sites.

Some of the famous Web 2.0 applications are Facebook, Youtube, Flickr, Twitter etc., The web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript frameworks like ReactJs, AngularJs, VueJs etc.,

Web2 applications often experience data breaches. In Web2.0, you don’t have any control over your data or how it is stored. In fact, companies often track and save user data without their users' consent. All of this data is then owned and controlled by the companies in charge of these platforms. Servers that support online applications can go down which affects user experience or worker income.

Because applications are governed by central authorities, free speech is also at risk on Web2. Governments will often shut down servers or seize bank accounts if they believe a person is voicing an opinion that goes against their propaganda. With centralized servers, it is easy for governments to intervene, control, or shut down applications as they see fit.

Web 2.0 lasted from 2000–2010 and continues even now.

Web 3.0:

The Web 3.0 also referred as Semantic Web or read-write-execute is the era(2010 and above) which refers to the future of web. In this era computers can interpret information like humans via Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Which help to intelligently generate and distribute useful content tailored to a particular need of a user.

What if computers can understand meaning behind information
What if they can learn “what we are interested in”
Then they can help us find what we want
It can recognize People, Place, Events, Companies, Product, Movies etc.,
It can understand the relationship between things

Some of the examples of web 3.0 are Apple’s Siri, Googles Cloud API.

Thank you!!

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