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command for show the table and columns and values

To view a PostgreSQL table in Visual Studio Code (VSCode), you can use the PostgreSQL extension. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install the PostgreSQL extension for VSCode from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
  2. Open VSCode and connect to your PostgreSQL database by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and selecting 'PostgreSQL: New Query'.
  3. Create a new connection profile by following the prompts to enter your PostgreSQL instance's hostname, database, username, and password.
  4. Once connected, you can write a query to view the table data. For example, to view all data from a table named Books, you would write:
   SELECT * FROM Books;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Execute the query by right-clicking and selecting 'Execute Query'. The results will be displayed in a new tab within VSCode.

You can also explore the tables using the database explorer feature provided by the extension¹²³⁴⁵. Remember to replace placeholder text with your actual database details.

in vscode after this line we should right click and insert rub query

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