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Web Dev Related Acronyms You Should Know

Pippa Thompson on March 20, 2023

Web dev acronyms - ftw or wtf? This article is a reference and a brief, high-level overview of an assortment of acronyms that you may come across...
muneerahmedkhan profile image
Muneer Khan


tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore • Edited

Hi Pippa,

A good initial glossary but it might be better in alphabetical order. Here are 16 more you might want to add.

A11y: Abbreviation of Accessibility, comprised of the initial and final letter of the word separated by 11 other letters.
ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications
BEM: Block-Element-Modifier, CSS methodology
C4: Design modelling system comprising of Context, Container, Component and Code elements.
CJS: Common JS modules
CUBE: Composition Utility Block Exception, CSS methodology
ECMA: Originally the acronym of European Computer Manufactures Association, but now a contraction of ECMA International, the standards body behind ECMAScript etc.
ES: Contraction of ECMAScript, the specification (ECMA-262) behind JavaScript. Prefix for products such as ESLint, ESBuild and ESM.
ESM: ECMAScript modules
I18n: Abbreviation of Internationalisation, comprised of the initial and final letter of the word separated by 17 other letters.
JS: Contraction of JavaScript
L10n: Abbreviation of Localisation, comprised of the initial and final letter of the word separated by 10 other letters.
OWASP: Open Worldwide Application Security Project, an online community that produces freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies in the field of web application security.
RegExp: Contraction of Regular Expression, a pattern encoding and matching technique.
TS: Contraction of TypeScript. An extension to JS that provides data type checking.
WCAG: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Regards, Tracy

Don't forget URL.

ppiippaa profile image
Pippa Thompson

Wow thanks so much for all of those! I'll have to make some revisions to the article. I did consider alphabetical order but I used some acronyms in the descriptions of other acronyms, so wanted to make sure I didn't use an acronym before explaining it (I hope that makes sense!). I'll take another look and see if I can come up with a better order :)

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

Good point. Good post.

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Very comprehensive list! Don't forget LESS too, which is similar to SCSS.

On a more humorous note, I had a colleague once who wrote a message to tell us he was Working From Home one day, except he used WTF by accident instead :)

mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner

"Why The Face?" ;)

(that's a dated Modern Family dad joke)

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

I used to love Modern Family but don't remember that one. Had to look it up - great joke!

ppiippaa profile image
Pippa Thompson

Thank you :) I think I started with half the acronyms initially, the more I wrote, the more I kept coming across! Good point about LESS as well. happens to the best of us!

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

To be honest, I don't think anyone knows it all no matter how long they've been at it. There were a few on your list that I've never come across and I've been doing this for over 10 years.

The truly important thing is to be able to look them up when needed, and this list is certainly going to help in that respect!

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ppiippaa profile image
Pippa Thompson

Completely agree, and happy you found it helpful!

mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner

If we're talking XML, it's worth mentioning the XML-based format of SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (and further expand it with SMIL - Synchronized Multimedia Intergration Language - which adds animation to SVG). Not sure just how relevant both are in today's webdev, but personally I love them deeply.

ppiippaa profile image
Pippa Thompson

Thanks for the suggestion! Can't believe I didn't think of SVG (and to be completely honest I hadn't heard of SMIL so I'll look into that one), so I'll have to do some additions to the list :)

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Nice recap! Should you do some around IT business-related acronyms I'd love to read it😍

Maybe it's just me but there are tones of them out there and some make us struggle thinking of the meaning 😂

ppiippaa profile image
Pippa Thompson

Thanks! Don't worry it's not just you - I'm forever having to search what they all stand for!