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Philippe Poulard
Philippe Poulard

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Pulling Strings with Typescript

In the Typescript zoo, there are union types that are very helpful, specifically to narrow down strings :

type size = 'small' | 'medium' | 'large';
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This works well for known list of items, but for other types, one often use the common type string.

Could we do better ? Why should we do better ?

Let's start with some data :

    const madrid: string = 'Madrid';
    const spain: string = 'Spain';
    const localisation = spain;
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It's not clear whether the localisation has to be a city or a country, so let's try to define some type :

    type City = string
    const madrid: City = 'Madrid';
    type Country = string;
    const spain: Country = 'Spain';
    const localisation: Country = spain;
    const localisation2: Country = madrid; // 😵 oh no !!!
                                           // it passes...
    // well, Madrid is not a Country !
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Above, defining a type City doesn't help ; Typescript just takes this type as an alias to string, therefore it won't enforce anything, except our intention (that makes the answer to the question : why should we do better ?)

Could we do better ? Yes : even if you have an open list of values, you may define a type by examples :

    type City = 'London' | 'Paris' | '[any city]'
    const madrid: City = 'Madrid' as City;
    type Country = 'United-Kingdom' | 'France' | '[any country]';
    const spain: Country = 'Spain' as Country;
    const localisation: Country = spain;
    const localisation2: Country = madrid; // ❌ oh yes, it fails !!!
    // Typescript will say that a City
    // is not assignable to a Country
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What is nice, is that your code can either take any data source with valid types as well as hard-coded data like in the example above : writing 'Spain' as Country makes sense, 'Spain' as City wouldn't.

This is a technique that I use and abuse because it prevents putting a string in another string when they are semantically unrelated. And believe me, it saves me from lots of runtime errors !

And it works for numbers too :

/** Any HTTP port (other values are accepted
 * as long they are related to HTTP)
type HttpPort = 80 | 8080 | 443 | 8443;
const port1: HttpPort = 8080; // ok, a known value
const port2: HttpPort = 8888 as HttpPort; // because I'm sure
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