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CRUD: Create, Read, Update and Delete

CRUD, or Create, Read, Update, and Delete, is an acronym. It alludes to the four fundamental procedures that are frequently carried out on the information in a database or web application.

A software programme known as a CRUD application enables users to carry out these four fundamental actions on data that is stored in a database or other type of data storage system.

  1. Create: This procedure entails updating the database with fresh information. For instance, a user might create a new contact in a contact management system by entering their name, email address, and phone number into a form and sending it to the system.
  2. Read: Retrieving current data from the database is what this action entails. An individual might read a post or look at a user's profile on a social media platform, for instance.
  3. Update: This process entails changing the database's current data. A user might alter their order or amend their shipping address, for instance, in an e-commerce system.
  4. Delete: Data is deleted during this process from the database. An administrator in a content management system, for instance, could revoke a user account or delete a blog post.

CRUD apps are frequently used in web development because they offer a straightforward and standardised method of working with data. Creating CRUD apps is supported natively by a number of web frameworks and libraries, including Ruby on Rails and Django.e

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