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HTTP Status Codes That Will Make You Think

Pragati Verma on September 24, 2023

Last year, I wrote an article on how we might be using some of the HTTP status codes wrong, and this time I discovered some HTTP status codes that ...
nokesi13 profile image

You could serve every language under the same url and then use content-negotiation of the Accept-Language header, but I wouldn't recommend that.

I would rather suggest that on your web sites root url, you issue a redirect (303 - See Other) to a language sub page (E.g. /en). When you do that, respond with a Vary header, that specifies Accept-Language (And any other relevant headers, such as Cookie). That way, any intermediaries (proxies, caches) will be able to cache the response. I would specifically not issue a 301, since you still want links to point to the root url. On the language-specific page, I would put a rel="canonical" to the root url.
Regards: how to enable repost on tiktok

smz01 profile image
Smartmen Zambia

Thanks for this article.

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma

I am so glad that you found this interesting. Thank you so much for reading it through😁

kurealnum profile image

I think the only one that I've ever seen before is 300! I can't believe that there are so many!

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma

Yeah, exactly how I felt when I was reading about these status codes!

I have almost never seen these status codes being used, but their use cases are so interesting.

yogini16 profile image

Nice article. Really loved the detailed explanation.
Some more information for the same here

bladearya profile image
Amit Kumar Rout

Nice Article

rohan843 profile image
Rohan Sharma

Nice article! Very informative

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma

I am glad you found it helpful. 😁

valkeamedia profile image

Nice job. Thanks for sharing

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma

I am glad you found it helpful. 😁

whobeu profile image
Robert G. Schaffrath

My Apache server is often throwing 406 from oddball hacking attempts to compromise it. Never really paid much attention to what the request headers look like to throw it but take satisfaction in the server being safe from such attempts.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

418 is part of the standard.

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma

Yes, but I meant to say that it's not an industry standard, as it has no practical use case and is merely a humorous existence.