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Prakash S
Prakash S

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Flutter App life cycle

Basically when we are writing a code for any Native applications, We will look for a life cycle events to handle some specific scenarios. Its like handling Thanos gauntlet snap to blip 😇😇

Flutter comes with life cycle events to handle app life cycle for android & ios.

Let's see the code.

To consume the life cycle event, we need to have Stateful widget with WidgetsBindingObserver mixin.

class _HomePageState 
extends State<HomePage> 
with WidgetsBindingObserver {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The mixin WidgetsBindingObserver provides an override didChangeAppLifecycleState where we will notified for certain app life cycle state changes.

  void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
    switch (state) {
      case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
        print('app resumed');
      case AppLifecycleState.paused:
        print('app paused');
      case AppLifecycleState.inactive:
        print('app inactive');
      case AppLifecycleState.detached:
        print('app detached');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Finally to get work all these stuff, we need to inform or observe the app life cycle changes using

  void initState() {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Ofcourse dont forget to remove observer on dispose

  void dispose() {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That's it, we can now handle the app as per the app lifecycle.

For Full sample Github

Happy Fluttering 😇😇

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