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Suresh Pal Pranta
Suresh Pal Pranta

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TypeScript Basics

TypeScript vs JavaScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. That means TypeScript has some extra features to JavaScript. In JavaScript, we don't need to define the type but in TypeScript, we have strictly followed the type. As a result, the chance of bugs will be lower.

Basic Types

Some common types are - number, string, boolean, undefined, null, unknown, any.

In TypeScript, a variable that will store a decimal number the type of the variable should be defined as type number. While big integer gets the type bigint

const total: number = 1000;
const discount: number = 1000*0.1;
const max: bigint = 10n ** 9n;
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In TypeScript a variable that will store textual data, the type of the variable should be defined as type string

const name: string = "Pranta";
const position: string = "Frontend Developer";
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This is one of the basic types which contains boolean value true or false

const loading: boolean = true|false;
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We can define a type of array in three ways. The First two ways have explicitly defined the types. The third way simplifies the task by using an interface or type

First way -
const numbers: number[] = [1, 2, 3]
const products: string[] = ["bag", "laptop", "mobile"]
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Second way -
const numbers: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3]
const products: Array<string> = ["bag", "laptop", "mobile"]
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If we have an array of objects then we can use the type keyword or define an interface specifying the type of all properties in an object. Best way to use interface.

const IProducts {
   name: string;
   price: number;
const products: IProducts[] =[{ name: "Mobile", price: 10000}, { name: "Mobile", price: 10000 }];

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The any type is rarely used. It helps to work with the existing JavaScript code. When all the data types are not known then we can assume it as any type.

const looselyTypedVariable: any = {};
console.log(; //don't give any error
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But, there are some drawbacks to using any type. With any type TypeScript will not give any error whether we are accessing a property that doesn't exist in that object.

const strictlyTypedVariable: {name: string} = {name:"Pranta"};
console.log(strictlyTypedVariable.age); //show error
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Without using any we can use unknown type as well which is more meaningful. We should try to avoid using any when not necessary as it doesn't ensure the type safety.

Top comments (1)

pranta07 profile image
Suresh Pal Pranta

Great! Very informative and thanks for sharing your opinion.