If you consider Internet as a highway system, you can consider www as a package delivery system that uses that highway.
- global network of networks or
- global data communication system
- provides an infrastructure
- refers mostly to hardware, networks, computer etc.
- can be accessed by anyone, is public
- provides unlimited information
World Wide Web (www)
- collection of information that is accessed via Internet
- repository of common resources that can be accessed via the internet.
- a service that operates on top of the Internet ( infrastructure )
- can be referred as a software
Internet is a public network, while Intranet is a private network.
- a private network for information management and sharing among only the members or employees
- cannot be accessed by everyone
- limited number of users with limited information
- owned by private firms
- is safe as compared to Internet
- Example : IT Department intranet, HR Intranet.
Top comments (1)
Simplest way to understand how and what is internet, www, and intranet.
Nice workโ