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Priyanka Aich
Priyanka Aich

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The Future of Conferences: Navigating the Shift to Virtual

As we move further into 2024, conferences are changing because of technology advancements. The global shift towards virtual gatherings, accelerated by necessity, has evolved into a preference for many, driven by convenience, accessibility, and new technological possibilities. 89% of event planners see virtual conferences as essential for the future.
This article explores the future of conferences, highlighting opportunities, and strategies that are paving the way for a whole new approach to networking, learning, and engaging.

The Future of Conferences

In 2022, virtual conferences started coming back strong. From late 2021 to mid-2022, there was a big 255% increase in in-person and hybrid conferences. Event Farm did a survey that year and found that 93% of planners were planning virtual or hybrid conferences, which was way more than the year before.

Even though in-person conferences are back, virtual conferences are still really popular. In 2024, 82% of businesses plan to keep hosting as many or even more virtual conferences as they did in the past year. Many companies will use a mix of in-person and virtual conferences, but 25% are moving to virtual-only conferences. But businesses are still organizing all sizes of conferences in person, so it’s important to be ready for both kinds of conferences.

The virtual conferences industry is growing fast. Reports say that in 2025, there will be 10 times more conferences than before the pandemic. Experts think the global conferences market will grow a lot too, about 23.7% each year until 2028.

Opportunities of Virtual Conferences

In a rapidly evolving landscape, virtual conferences are revolutionizing how we connect and collaborate, presenting unique opportunities. Here are some of them:

Global Reach: Virtual conferences allow participants from anywhere in the world to attend without the need for travel, significantly reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation. This reduction can be substantial, with studies indicating that virtual conferences can cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 99% compared to in-person conferences, depending on factors like event size and attendee locations.

Cost-Effectiveness: Hosting virtual conferences is often more cost-effective than traditional in-person gatherings. Estimates suggest that virtual conferences can save businesses up to 75% on event costs, including venue rental, travel, accommodations, catering, and logistical expenses. This cost reduction makes conferences more accessible to a broader audience and promotes financial sustainability for both organizers and attendees.

Flexibility and Convenience: Virtual conferences offer flexibility in scheduling, allowing participants to attend sessions at their convenience. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for professionals juggling work, personal commitments, and time zone differences. Research shows that 86% of participants appreciate the flexibility of virtual events, citing improved work-life balance as a significant advantage.

Data and Analytics: Digital platforms used for virtual conferences provide robust data and analytics capabilities, offering valuable insights into attendee behavior, preferences, engagement levels, and content effectiveness. Studies indicate that 70% of event organizers use data analytics to measure event success and make informed decisions for future events, leading to continuous improvement and personalized experiences.

Innovative Engagement: Virtual conferences leverage technology to create interactive and engaging experiences for participants. Features like live polls, Q&A sessions, networking lounges, virtual booths, and gamification enhance participant engagement and satisfaction. Surveys indicate that 82% of attendees find virtual conferences engaging and enjoyable, highlighting the effectiveness of innovative engagement strategies.

Strategies to Host a Successful Virtual Conference

As organizations step into the world of virtual conferences, they realize how crucial it is to make these events run smoothly and keep participants engaged. To fully benefit from virtual conferences, it’s important to have a strategic plan in place. This section will offer essential strategies for hosting effective virtual conferences, ensuring that everyone involved has a seamless and impactful experience.

1. Create Engaging Content

Distractions are common in remote settings, and studies show that human attention spans have decreased significantly over the years. Microsoft found that attention spans have dropped by 8 seconds, which is about 25% less than before.

Keeping your audience engaged is crucial. By giving them interactive tasks instead of just watching, you can boost engagement. Studies also reveal that most groups lose focus after just 10 minutes in online conferences.

  1. Make Audience Interaction and Networking Seamless

Engaging people in person can be challenging enough, but when you move events online, you’re up against even more distractions.

However, you don’t have to settle for low engagement. Surprisingly, 47% of people are more likely to ask questions at virtual events, and 37% are more likely to chat with others in a virtual booth compared to a real one. The key is creating opportunities for interaction.

If your event includes physical activities like yoga or cooking, it’s easier to keep the audience engaged. Think creatively. Encourage people to stand up, move around, or join in group activities for a fun and impactful experience.

3. Focus on Innovative Networking

People attending virtual events or exhibiting at them want to ensure they still have great opportunities to engage and network. That’s why the success of any virtual event depends a lot on how well it fosters interaction. There are various new chat and networking tools you can include in your virtual event to enhance its value and immersion. Let’s discuss these features and how they can benefit your event.

- 1:1 Interaction

When attendees find someone interesting, they often prefer sending them a message to start a connection. If things go smoothly, they might schedule a meeting or have a video call. Live chat tools allow for one-on-one and group discussions, ensuring seamless interaction between visitors and exhibitors in real time.

- AI-enabled Matching

You can also use AI-enabled matchmaking to pair attendees with their ideal counterparts at the virtual event, based on their interests and backgrounds. This makes it easier to connect with like-minded individuals and saves time. Matchmaking features can include icebreaker questions to kickstart conversations.

4. Ensure Robust Customer Support & 24/7 Technology Assistance

Even if your audience is tech-savvy, technical glitches can still happen. If attendees can’t resolve these issues quickly during your event, they may lose interest.

For a successful online conference, prioritize excellent customer support and tech assistance for hosts and attendees before, during, and after the event. Your virtual platform should guarantee quality and scalability and provide 24/7 technical support.

Offering reliable support shows your commitment to your audience’s experience. Attendees who use the customer service tool will value the availability and see your brand as knowledgeable and trustworthy.


The future of digital conferences and events is promising, thanks to technological advancements that enhance engagement, accessibility, and personalization. In this landscape, ibentos Virtual Event Platform stands out, introducing innovative features and benefits that elevate the event experience.

Our platform isn’t just a complement to traditional events; it redefines expectations for professional networking and learning. With ibentos, attendees enjoy seamless virtual interactions, immersive experiences, and comprehensive tools for networking and collaboration.

The evolution of digital events showcases how technology can connect us in meaningful ways, highlighting the limitless potential for growth and connectivity. Join us in shaping the future of conferences and events with ibentos’ Virtual Event Platform, where innovation meets seamless connectivity for impactful experiences.


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