I already did the OEM Installation and another post about How to add Targets in OEM but since I needed to have at least Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 4 Update 7 for a new project (coming soon™), I decided to create this post about Updating OEM 13R4.
In order to do the OEM update I followed this fantastic guide by martinberger.com
Even if you have a different Update, should be very similar process.
To find the latest OEM Update version, just go to "Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Updates: List of Available RUs (Release Updates) and PSUs (Patch Set Updates) (Doc ID 1605609.1)" to find latest OEM version (You have Monthly updates)
I'm using "Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 4 Update 9 ( for Oracle Management Service (Patch) -- p32198287_134000_Generic.zip" for this post, but is possible you will find newer versions already.
In order to proceed with the Update installation, I needed to update OMSPatcher, in my case using "OMSPatcher patch of version for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Patch) For RU6 and above -- p19999993_134000_Generic.zip" and the steps from EM 13c: How To Upgrade Enterprise Manager 13.4 Cloud Control OMSPatcher Utility to Version (Doc ID 2646080.1)
I also updated Opatch as per "13.4: How to Upgrade OPatch to on the OMS (Doc ID 2728285.1)" (OPatch is available via Patch 28186730 - p28186730_139425_Generic.zip) since I was getting the "OMSPatcher failed with error code 238" during the analyze phase and fond the following in the logs provided:
The OPatch being used has version while the following patch(es) require higher versions:
Patch 31812958 requires OPatch version
Patch 32079584 requires OPatch version
Patch 32079602 requires OPatch version
To Update the Opatch, you need to execute some Java scripts coming with the new OPatch.
In my case, I download and decompress the file under "/u01/stage/6880880".
Then, just need to execute the Java command as follow:
[oracle@oem13 ~]# echo $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@oem13 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/jdk/bin/java -jar /u01/stage/6880880/opatch_generic.jar -silent oracle_home=$ORACLE_HOME
Launcher log file is /tmp/OraInstall2021-02-26_01-42-59PM/launcher2021-02-26_01-42-59PM.log.
Extracting the installer . . . . Done
Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz. Actual 2925.998 MHz Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB. Actual 8063 MB Passed
Checking if this platform requires a 64-bit JVM. Actual 64 Passed (64-bit not required)
Checking temp space: must be greater than 300 MB. Actual 44070 MB Passed
Preparing to launch the Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2021-02-26_01-42-59PM
Installation Summary
Disk Space : Required 34 MB, Available 44,029 MB
Feature Sets to Install:
Next Generation Install Core
OPatch Auto OPlan
Session log file is /tmp/OraInstall2021-02-26_01-42-59PM/install2021-02-26_01-42-59PM.log
The install operation completed successfully.
Logs successfully copied to /u01/app/oraInventory/logs.
[oracle@oem13 ~]#
[oracle@oem13 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version
OPatch Version:
OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@oem13 ~]#
Steps to Update OMSPatcher are much simpler and similar to Oracle Database Opatch update process.
Just download the OMSPAtcher, decompress it replacing the folder already in your "OMS_HOME" (In this case, for simplicity I set ORACLE_HOME to the OMS_HOME path)
In my case, I just renamed the current folder and made the decompress command to create the directory in the right location to avoid extra steps
[oracle@oem13 ~]# echo $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@oem13 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher version
OMSPatcher Version:
OPlan Version:
OsysModel build: Thu Oct 25 18:18:12 PDT 2018
OMSPatcher succeeded.
[oracle@oem13 ~]#
[oracle@oem13 ~]# cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@oem13 middleware]# pwd
[oracle@oem13 middleware]# mv OMSPatcher OMSPatcher.bk
[oracle@oem13 middleware]# unzip /u01/stage/p19999993_134000_Generic.zip -d .
Archive: /u01/stage/p19999993_134000_Generic.zip
creating: ./OMSPatcher/
inflating: ./OMSPatcher/omspatcher.bat
creating: ./OMSPatcher/jlib/
[oracle@oem13 middleware]#
[oracle@oem13 middleware]# $ORACLE_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher version
OMSPatcher Version:
OPlan Version:
OsysModel build: Thu Oct 25 18:18:12 PDT 2018
OMSPatcher succeeded.
[oracle@oem13 middleware]#
Now that we have all required pre-update steps covered, we need to extract the Update file and analyze it using OMSPatcher
[oracle@oem13 stage]# unzip p32198287_134000_Generic.zip
inflating: 32198287/automation/apply_automation.xml
inflating: 32198287/pluginDep.txt
inflating: PatchSearch.xml
[oracle@oem13 stage]# cd 32198287
[oracle@oem13 32198287]# export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware
[oracle@oem13 32198287]# $ORACLE_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher apply -analyze
OMSPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
OMSPatcher version :
OUI version :
Running from : /u01/app/oracle/middleware
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/opatch2021-02-26_13-47-51PM_1.log
OMSPatcher log file: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/32198287/omspatcher_2021-02-26_13-48-01PM_analyze.log
Please enter OMS weblogic admin server URL(t3s://oem13:7102):>
Please enter OMS weblogic admin server username(weblogic):>
Please enter OMS weblogic admin server password:>
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "32079961" because the "oracle.sysman.vt.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "32079850" because the "oracle.sysman.emct.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "31894733" because the "oracle.sysman.am.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "32080020" because the "oracle.sysman.vi.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "31894749" because the "oracle.sysman.bda.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "32079932" because the "oracle.sysman.ssa.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "32079768" because the "oracle.sysman.emfa.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "31889317" because the "oracle.sysman.csm.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
WARNING: Could not apply the patch "31802539" because the "oracle.sysman.smf.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
Configuration Validation: Success
Running apply prerequisite checks for sub-patch(es) "32079912,31812958,32079613,32079584,32079602,32079986" and Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"...
Sub-patch(es) "32079912,31812958,32079613,32079584,32079602,32079986" are successfully analyzed for Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"
Complete Summary
All log file names referenced below can be accessed from the directory "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/2021-02-26_13-47-51PM_SystemPatch_32198287_1"
Prerequisites analysis summary:
The following sub-patch(es) are applicable:
Featureset Sub-patches Log file
---------- ----------- --------
oracle.sysman.top.oms 32079912,31812958,32079613,32079584,32079602,32079986 32079912,31812958,32079613,32079584,32079602,32079986_opatch2021-02-26_13-47-59PM_1.log
The following sub-patches are incompatible with components installed in the OMS system:
The following warnings have occurred during OPatch execution:
1) Could not apply the patch "32079961" because the "oracle.sysman.vt.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
2) Could not apply the patch "32079850" because the "oracle.sysman.emct.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
3) Could not apply the patch "31894733" because the "oracle.sysman.am.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
4) Could not apply the patch "32080020" because the "oracle.sysman.vi.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
5) Could not apply the patch "31894749" because the "oracle.sysman.bda.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
6) Could not apply the patch "32079932" because the "oracle.sysman.ssa.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
7) Could not apply the patch "32079768" because the "oracle.sysman.emfa.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
8) Could not apply the patch "31889317" because the "oracle.sysman.csm.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
9) Could not apply the patch "31802539" because the "oracle.sysman.smf.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
OMSPatcher Session completed with warnings.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/32198287/omspatcher_2021-02-26_13-48-01PM_analyze.log
OMSPatcher completed with warnings.
[oracle@oem13 32198287]#
By the way, if you receive "The following sub-patches are incompatible with components installed in the OMS system" during the analyze phase, you can check the following note:
"EM 13.4 : "omspatcher apply -analyze" Command Shows Sub-patches Are Incompatible With Components Installed In The OMS System (Doc ID 2744878.1)" and confirm the plugins are not enabled:
[oracle@oem13 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli login -username=sysman
Enter password :
Login successful
[oracle@oem13 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli sync
Synchronized successfully
[oracle@oem13 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli list_plugins_on_server
OMS name is oem13:4889_Management_Service
Plug-in Name Plugin-id Version [revision]
Oracle Cloud Framework oracle.sysman.cfw
Oracle Database oracle.sysman.db
Oracle Fusion Middleware oracle.sysman.emas
Systems Infrastructure oracle.sysman.si
Oracle Exadata oracle.sysman.xa
[oracle@oem13 ~]#
Let's Apply the update stopping OMS first:
[oracle@oem13 32198287]# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Copyright (c) 1996, 2020 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Stopping Oracle Management Server...
Oracle Management Server Successfully Stopped
Oracle Management Server is Down
JVMD Engine is Down
[oracle@oem13 32198287]# $ORACLE_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher apply
OMSPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
OMSPatcher version :
OUI version :
Running from : /u01/app/oracle/middleware
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/opatch2021-02-26_13-56-17PM_1.log
Running apply prerequisite checks for sub-patch(es) "32079912,31812958,32079613,32079584,32079602,32079986" and Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"...
Sub-patch(es) "32079912,31812958,32079613,32079584,32079602,32079986" are successfully analyzed for Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"
To continue, OMSPatcher will do the following:
[Patch and deploy artifacts] : Apply sub-patch(es) [ 31812958 32079584 32079602 32079613 32079912 32079986 ]
Apply RCU artifact with patch "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/.omspatcher_storage/32079584_Dec_13_2020_03_55_05/original_patch";
Apply RCU artifact with patch "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/.omspatcher_storage/32079602_Dec_13_2020_05_10_07/original_patch";
Apply RCU artifact with patch "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/.omspatcher_storage/32079912_Dec_13_2020_05_10_21/original_patch";
Apply RCU artifact with patch "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/.omspatcher_storage/32079986_Dec_13_2020_05_10_54/original_patch";
Apply RCU artifact with patch "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/.omspatcher_storage/32079613_Dec_13_2020_05_12_15/original_patch";
Apply RCU artifact with patch "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/.omspatcher_storage/31812958_Sep_8_2020_04_35_38/original_patch";
Register MRS artifact "commands";
Register MRS artifact "procedures";
Register MRS artifact "swlib";
Register MRS artifact "targetType";
Register MRS artifact "storeTargetType";
Register MRS artifact "default_collection";
Register MRS artifact "omsPropertyDef";
Register MRS artifact "jobTypes";
Register MRS artifact "systemStencil";
Register MRS artifact "gccompliance";
Register MRS artifact "discovery";
Register MRS artifact "SecurityClassManager";
Register MRS artifact "CredstoreMetadata";
Register MRS artifact "assoc";
Register MRS artifact "EcmMetadataOnlyRegistration";
Register MRS artifact "TargetPrivilege"
Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Applying sub-patch(es) "31812958,32079584,32079602,32079613,32079912,32079986"
8) Could not apply the patch "31889317" because the "oracle.sysman.csm.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
9) Could not apply the patch "31802539" because the "oracle.sysman.smf.oms.plugin with version" core component of the OMS or the plug-in for which the patch is intended is either not deployed or deployed with another version in your Enterprise Manager system.
OMSPatcher Session completed with warnings.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/32198287/omspatcher_2021-02-26_13-56-27PM_deploy.log
OMSPatcher completed with warnings.
[oracle@oem13 32198287]#
Like already happened during the time I did the OEM installation, the Update took a while to complete, but I have to assume this is more related to my system resources than anything else
But at least completed fine:
[oracle@oem13 32198287]# $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory | grep Platform
Patch description: "Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 4 Platform Update 9 ( for Oracle Management Service"
[oracle@oem13 32198287]#
[oracle@oem13 32198287]# ~/scripts/start_all.sh
The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app/oracle
LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 26-FEB-2021 14:52:50
Copyright (c) 1991, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved.
TNS-01106: Listener using listener name LISTENER has already been started
Processing Database instance "emcdb": log file /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/log/startup.log
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Copyright (c) 1996, 2020 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting Oracle Management Server...
WebTier Successfully Started
Oracle Management Server Successfully Started
Oracle Management Server is Up
JVMD Engine is Up
Starting BI Publisher Server ...
BI Publisher Server Already Started
BI Publisher Server is Up
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Copyright (c) 1996, 2020 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent is already running
[oracle@oem13 32198287]#

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