As VS Code wins as the most used Ruby code editor in 2024 Ruby on Rails Community Survey we are seeing more and more great tooling and extensions dedicated for Ruby appearing in VS Code extensions marketplace.
In this short blog post, I’d like to share my 3 favorite extensions that provide shortcuts for the testing part of the programming cycle.
Rails Run Specs
Rails Run Specs provides commands which allow to run tests in a whole suite and file or by selected spec block.
Commands can be conveniently executed by pressing keyboard shortcut or from commands menu (cmd+shift+p
). Everytime spec command runs it creates or reuses dedicated terminal session where you can see an output of running tests.
It supports both RSpec and Minitest as well as any other testing gem. There are flexible configurations options which allow to configure editor with needed testing tool.

Ruby Test Explorer
This is a Ruby Test Explorer extension for the VS Code Test Explorer extension.
It allows to see all specs listed in an explorer view, run them by a few mouse clicks and quickly locate failures.
Extension supports both RSpec and Minitest gems.

Go To Test
Quickly toggle between code and spec files. This extension is programming language agnostic and it works just fantastic with Ruby projects.
Extension provides keyboard shortcut to toggle between code and spec files. Loving it!

I hope that you'll find this list of extensions useful and interesting as I did! If you have your favorite testing extensions leave them in comment section below.
Thank you for reading!
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