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Abdi Gadegaard
Abdi Gadegaard

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University-industry collaboration along with organization innovation: the scientific study of the biopharmaceutical industry.

More recently, this approach has been translated into clinical application. The aim of this review is to summarize and discuss results on regulatory cell-based strategies, focusing on Tregs and MRCs, in terms of safety, feasibility, and efficacy in clinical studies of organ transplantation.The role of microglia in controlling synapse homeostasis is becoming increasingly recognized by the scientific community. Ras inhibitor In particular, the microglia-mediated elimination of supernumerary synapses during development lays the basis for the correct formation of neuronal circuits in adulthood, while the possible reactivation of this process in pathological conditions, such as schizophrenia or Alzheimer's Disease, provides a promising target for future therapeutic strategies. The methodological approaches to investigate microglial synaptic engulfment include different in vitro and in vivo settings. Basic in vitro assays, employing isolated microglia and microbeads, apoptotic membranes, liposomes or synaptosomes allow the quantification of the microglia phagocytic abilities, while co-cultures of microglia and neurons, deriving from either WT or genetically modified mice models, provide a relatively manageable setting to investigate the involvement of specific molecular pathways. Further detailed analysis in mice brain is then mandatory to validate the in vitro assays as representative for the in vivo situation. The present review aims to dissect the main technical approaches to investigate microglia-mediated phagocytosis of neuronal and synaptic substrates in critical developmental time windows.Innate immune pathways are the first line of cellular defense against pathogen infections ranging from bacteria to Metazoa. These pathways are activated following the recognition of pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by membrane and cytosolic pattern recognition receptors. In addition, some of these cellular sensors can also recognize endogenous danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) arising from damaged or dying cells and triggering innate immune responses. Among the cytosolic nucleic acid sensors, the cyclic guanosine monophosphate-adenosine monophosphate (cGAMP) synthase (cGAS) plays an essential role in the activation of the type I interferon (IFNs) response and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Indeed, upon nucleic acid binding, cGAS synthesizes cGAMP, a second messenger mediating the activation of the STING signaling pathway. The functional conservation of the cGAS-STING pathway during evolution highlights its importance in host cellular surveillance against pathogen infections. Apart from their functions in immunity, cGAS and STING also play major roles in nuclear functions and tumor development. Therefore, cGAS-STING is now considered as an attractive target to identify novel biomarkers and design therapeutics for auto-inflammatory and autoimmune disorders as well as infectious diseases and cancer. Here, we review the current knowledge about the structure of cGAS and the evolution from bacteria to Metazoa and present its main functions in defense against pathogens and cancer, in connection with STING. The advantages and limitations of in vivo models relevant for studying the cGAS-STING pathway will be discussed for the notion of species specificity and in the context of their integration into therapeutic screening assays targeting cGAG and/or STING.Immune checkpoint inhibition targeting T cells has shown tremendous promise in the treatment of many cancer types and are now standard therapies for patients. While standard therapies have focused on PD-1 and CTLA-4 blockade, additional immune checkpoints have shown promise in promoting anti-tumor immunity. PSGL-1, primarily known for its role in cellular migration, has also been shown to function as a negative regulator of CD4+ T cells in numerous disease settings including cancer. PSGL-1 is highly expressed on T cells and can engage numerous ligands that impact signaling pathways, which may modulate CD4+ T cell differentiation and function. PSGL-1 engagement in the tumor microenvironment may promote CD4+ T cell exhaustion pathways that favor tumor growth. Here we highlight that blocking the PSGL-1 pathway on CD4+ T cells may represent a new cancer therapy approach to eradicate tumors.Blockade of the immunosuppressive tryptophan catabolism mediated by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) holds enormous promise for sensitising cancer patients to immune checkpoint blockade. Yet, only IDO1 inhibitors had entered clinical trials so far, and those agents have generated disappointing clinical results. Improved understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in the immune-regulatory function of the tryptophan catabolism is likely to optimise therapeutic strategies to block this pathway. The immunosuppressive role of tryptophan metabolite kynurenine is becoming increasingly clear, but it remains a mystery if tryptophan exerts functions beyond serving as a precursor for kynurenine. Here we hypothesise that tryptophan acts as a rheostat of kynurenine-mediated immunosuppression by competing with kynurenine for entry into immune T-cells through the amino acid transporter called System L. This hypothesis stems from the observations that elevated tryptophan levels in TDO-knockout mice relieve immunosuppression instigated by IDO1, and that the vacancy of System L transporter modulates kynurenine entry into CD4+ T-cells. This hypothesis has two potential therapeutic implications. Firstly, potent TDO inhibitors are expected to indirectly inhibit IDO1 hence development of TDO-selective inhibitors appears advantageous compared to IDO1-selective and dual IDO1/TDO inhibitors. Secondly, oral supplementation with System L substrates such as leucine represents a novel potential therapeutic modality to restrain the immunosuppressive kynurenine and restore anti-tumour immunity.
Primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is a complex heterogeneous autoimmune disease (AID) which can mimic rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Our exploratory study investigated serum biomarkers that may discriminate pSS from RA and SLE.

Serum concentrations of 63 biomarkers involved in immune cell trafficking, inflammatory response, cellular movement, and cell-to-cell signaling were measured in AID patients, included prospectively into the study at the Montpellier University Hospital. A multivariate analysis by multiple logistic regression was performed, and discriminative power assessed using logistic regression adjusted on significant demographic factors.

Among the 95 patients enrolled, 42 suffered from pSS, 28 from RA, and 25 from SLE. Statistical analysis showed that concentrations of BDNF (OR = 0.493 with 95% CI [0.273-0.891]; p = 0.0193) and I-TAC/CXCL11 (OR = 1.344 with 95% CI [1.027-1.76]; p= 0.0314) can significantly discriminate pSS from RA. Similarly, greater concentrations of sCD163 (OR = 0.Ras inhibitor

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